Chapter 4

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Blood running down my arm, teeth clenched, I stifle the pain down my throat.

"Tia...! Run away!" Shouting at a frightened Tia, I tried to convince her to move. The legs of the young elf quivered side to side, her eyes filled with shock.

Cursing under my breath, the wolf's jaws bite deeper; I tense up and step backward. My tiny body was barely able to keep up such a ferocious beast.

Noticing the other wolf was approaching Tia, I couldn't stall any longer; I needed to act and kill...

"Get away from her!" I lift with all my power and strength. The wolf claws my arms, and I jump backward.

Falling on my back, I extend the bitten arm toward the broken log to my side. A fortunate wood spike pierces the wolf's body, leaving it impaled. The jaws let go of my arm just as quickly as the life of its eyes dimmed.

Turning toward the last wolf, it senses its partner's death and turns its attention towards a wounded prey. 

"Damn it!" I scramble to reach for my dagger.

The blade leaves its sheath, but the impact of the charging beast knocks it out of my hands and to the ground. I scramble toward the knife once more with desperation.

The tip of the blade touches the edges of my fingers before the wolf pounces on me. I can slip away by twisting my body fast, but my dagger is even further from me. The wolf doesn't relent and just as fast pounces once again.

The back of my head hits the edge of a tree, causing a disorientation of my surroundings. I struggle for survival as the wolf viciously snaps its jaws toward my neck.

"Ahh! Damned beast!" Looking around, I try to search for a weapon. Grabbing a nearby rock and start bashing the wolf's skull repeatedly. Each attempt was met with another close bite. Kicking my legs up, I try to push it back, but the strength of my wounded arm falters, unable to keep up the defense.

I drop the rock to brace against the opposing creature. The disgusting breath pierces my nose, sickening my stomach. However, I begin to lose the battle, the sharp teeth bare close to my throat. The snarling growl of the wolf fills my heart with dread.

"I don't want to die...!" I plead to myself—the heavy burden to hold onto.

Then, like a silent rainfall, wet drops of warm liquid ink on my face and neck. I open my eyes and turn toward the wolf. The soft panting of the creature loses its strength, and the warm feeling of its blood touches my chest.

I didn't notice until looking to my side, the young Tia, both hands on my dagger, impaling the wolf's side. She lets go of the blade and takes a step back. Her hands were drenched in the dark crimson.

Pulling the wolf to the side, I grab my dagger and drive it into the beast's heart, ending the painful suffering. Sliding the blade out quickly, I wipe the contents on the dagger before stowing it back into its sheath.

"You saved me, thank you, Tia-" I stop in my tracks.

Tia stands still, holding her hands in front of her. The drenched hands of the gentle girl shake to the depravity of her sanity.

Approaching her, I remove my handkerchief. Gently caressing her warm hands, kindly eliminating the stains from her hands. Tia looks up with the same sickened look as before.

"If your hands are stained, I'll be there to wipe it away, blood and all," I speak softly, the tone of my voice gentle.

I remove the blood from her hands and gently rub her hands with mine. Her shaking hands seem still, and a calming breath leaves her lips.

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