Chapter 73

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"You two nearly killed each other!" Ear piercing, Julia scolds me and Gale. Lukia had spent most of her power on healing us. She took a rest in one of the rooms to recover. Gale sat next to me in the Guild Hall. The other two Guild parties that I helped train were present and watching in awe.

"Julia, if I may-" I try to speak, but she cuts me off with her hand.

"Save it. I don't care. I've had it with you fighting everyone, Caleb! You too, Gale. You have people who look up to you, follow you, and show some courtesy in your positions. I would kick you out of this town if it were up to me, but I clearly can't. If you want to explain your actions, tell me now." There is a brief moment of silence before Gale speaks up.

"Caleb and I couldn't use words to figure each other out. Looking back on it now, we are just two stubborn fools, and I am the adult here. I guess the only way we could understand each other is through fighting."

"Killing each other is still off the table!" Julia places her hands on her hips and sighs.

"What Gale means is... The differences in our opinions were vast. We fought with the intention to read each other and how we feel."

"You can explain it to me hundreds of times, and I will still not understand you two. Poor Lukia had to suffer watching you two."

"I know. But Gale and I understand each other, and I think that means something."

"Right, even if you did take my eye, you little bastard, I deserved it."

"It was unfortunate; I still regret it."

"You already apologized to me; I still have one good eye, so it ain't so bad."

"Unbelievable, fine! If you two want to be all friendly now since you almost died, go ahead! Don't expect me to show any of you attention!" Annoyed, Julia storms off, goes behind the office counter for the Guild, and closes the door. Clearly, she is upset, but deep down, she is relieved by the outcome despite the heart attack it nearly gave her.

"I think she's mad, Gale."

"No doubt."

"Give it a couple of weeks?"

"Probably a month before she stops being mad."

"Sounds about right."

"Umm... Gale?" Sitting at the table next to us are the other Phantom Blades members. They have been patient but filled with questions during the whole conversation.

"Right, sorry. I have to address this. Forgive me for being an incompetent leader. I let my own grudge and behavior get out of control and neglected you guys. That is my fault." Gale bows his head in defeat and sincerely apologizes.

"You don't need to do that, boss..." Yann waves his hand, not wanting to see Gale like this.

"I have to; I have done terrible things in my life. One of which is dragging you guys around in my own mess. I'm still having a hard time letting go of my grudge against the Nix; unfounded as it is now, you can't erase the drive you had for years. But I want you guys to forgive me for this!" Gale pleads with them. I sit and watch them; the bloody bandage on my left arm still twitches as shocks of pain still reside. I gently rub it and continue to listen.

"Gale..." Herk places his hand on Gale's shoulder. "We are with you; you're our boss, our leader. What would we be if we didn't follow you to the ends of the world? And that includes any mistakes that occur in our adventures. We all have our responsibilities as a party to take."

"Herk, Ivian, Yann, even Lukia, thank you. I know having someone like me leading the party isn't easy..."

"Enough about that crap; seriously, stop trying to sound like a bumbling idiot. It isn't a good image for our leader." Ivian punches his shoulder and gives a warm smile.

"Right. We are the best Guild in Saiana. We are the Phantom Blades; it is our job to make sure we kick ass and take on quests that only we can!" Gale slams his fist on the table, and a new surge of energy fuels him. The rest of the party joined in with him, and they put their fists together. "This shall be a new beginning for the Phantom Blades!"

"Hey! Don't forget about me!" Storming past, jumping onto Gale from behind is Lukia. She yanks on his hair before letting him go. Crossing her arms together, pouting at the guys. "I am just a part of this as much as you guys." They all laugh, and she joins in the circle—a nice image of their friendship and bonding. I get up, feel awkward, and begin to leave.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" Gale says.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. Seems like I am intruding-" Before I could turn and walk away, Gale grabs my cloak and yanks it back, nearly making me fall over. He puts me in the middle of their group, and they prevent me from leaving.

"No way, I think some new additions are in order! What about it, guys?" Gale looks at each of the members. They looked a little shocked before they chuckled and shook their heads. Seemingly, they figured out what he would do next before giving a silent nod of approval. Lukia takes a second before sighing and agreeing as well.

"What are you doing?" Confused without knowing the context, I look to him and Lukia for answers. She shakes her head and keeps silent.

"What needs to happen since I am feeling good, so I better appreciate it."


"Caleb Aris, as the leader of the Phantom Blades, I hereby bestow upon you the status as an honorary member of our party. You don't have to really join us, but think of it as a way we accept you as a friend." Left speechless from the announcement, the entire Guild Hall falls silent. Julia even pokes her head out of the office to see the event. A cold sweat drips from my forehead as I am unable to formulate the proper words to describe the sudden offer in front of me.

"Being nearly killed by you guys to taking your eye and almost dying again just an hour ago, and you want me to be a part of this? Are you crazy?"

"The Phantom Blades aren't nothing but unique. Let's just say this is a way to make amends for the past."

"Amusing, truly. Fine. I guess today should be memorable. I accept." I shake Gale's hand and give him a grin. Grinning back, he grabs my arm and lifts it into the air with myself along, dangling from his strength.

"To our honorary member! Caleb Aris! May he be an everlasting friend and companion to us all!"

The room is filled with cheers and applause. The Phantom Blades give me a warm welcome. A night of celebration and fun filled the Guild Halls until the sun rose in the sky. Leaving me passed out from the long night, I quickly am awakened by Eckhart. My eyes fluttered open as most of the Guild members were either gone or passed out drunk.

"My Lord."

"Eckhart...? Mm... Sorry, I didn't tell you I would be here..."

"That is quite alright. Honestly, I am glad you had some fun."

"I did. Anyways...yawwnnn.... What is it?"

"Celia requested me to bring you back. She needs to see you."

"Is she alright?"

"For the time being. It is best you go and see her now."

"Right. Let me get myself together, and I will be there."

"Next time, my lord, lay off the drinking. You may be the Lord of his place, but you are still a child."

"But I didn't drink."

"Are you sure?" Pointing with his eyes, I turn my attention to the empty mug before me. I slowly rub the back of my head, embarrassed. I might have gotten carried away from the celebrations, and Gale might have placed a mug in front of me. The night was fussy at the moment, but drinking the contents in the mug was something I wished I had forgotten. Clearing my throat, I get up and feel the slight hangover wash over me.

"Right... You can scold me later."

"Thank you for understanding. Let's go."

Julia waves goodbye to me as we leave the Guild Hall. The blinding sun causes my head to ache as the effects of the hangover start to hit me more. Note to self: drink more responsibly; otherwise, you'll regret it in the morning...

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