Chapter 136

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Several days in the mountains passed by without incident. The mark on my neck would occasionally burn from smaller creatures that intended to avoid our group. The curse mark on my body continued to cause me great suffering as we journeyed. Herk did his best with what little he could to numb the pain, but his abilities were outclassed by this power.

I didn't show the pain I endured to them, but they could sense how uncomfortable I was. Food and drink became hard to swallow and keep in my stomach. My energy throughout the day was at the bare minimum. Lukia did her best to care for me during this. Gale would occasionally bring up some stories of past quests or adventures they did to help ease my mind off things. I appreciated their efforts to make me feel better. Ivian kept a watchful eye on me over his shoulder. Yann would lift me up and off my horse with his intense strength and set up my bedroll. I hated it as well as enjoyed it.

"Thank you, guys," I said randomly at camp. Everyone perked up and looked over at me before looking at each other.

Gale chuckles "You don't have to thank us; we do anything for each other."

Herk placed his bowl on the ground and patted me on the back. "We're all friends here. You're a valued member of our group who has saved our asses time and time again. Everyone here would give each of their lives for another like you would for us."

"We wouldn't have taken on such a highly important quest without your help and support throughout the time." Ivian finished his water and grabbed his bowl to finish eating. Lukia kept quiet until the words found her.

"You saved my life more times than I can for you. If there is anything you need, I'll be there."


Gale approaches me, places his hand on my head, and rubs it. "Don't go sentimental on us. Just rest up. It must hurt a lot, I know. Everyone is doing this to help ease their worry for you. Just bear with us until we can get you to the temple."

"Alright..." I take a few more bites and drink a few sips before Lukia takes my bowl and cup to clean. Gale and Herk set up on watch while Ivian and Yann laid down to sleep with me next to the fire. I closed my eyes and let my exhausted body rest after a long day.

Morning came without issue, and my body became feverish as the curse began to burn. Lukia sat beside me and held my hand for Herk to use his magic to calm it down. It was a bitch to go through, but after the initial feeling, it was more tolerable.

Not much time passed for us to pack up and set off again. The mountain trails were wide enough for two people to cross without issue, but walking became normal to avoid any incidents. Leading the horses past cliffs and drops, we made it through most of the day. The sky above seemed more foggy than usual.

"Is that...sulfur I smell?" I said it out loud. My eyes wandered to the dark clouds looming ahead; rain was not expected, but the sun would be blocked for several days. Gale stopped to smell the air.

"You're right. Something was burned or burning recently. I can't tell what."

Yann held onto his horse. "Could it be a monster? I know Flame Salamanders love these dry mountains. Their limbs are engulfed in flames, and they breathe fire. Could be some of those."

"That's a good call, but they don't migrate this far south of Heistorm. They live near the Empire's borders more than anything. It could be other parties our groups like ours at camp." Ivian suggested. He tried to get a good look to see if there were any clues, but none remained.

Lukia looked around and grabbed her bow off her saddle. "I'm going to climb up and find out if there is a fire ahead. Stay here for now." She quickly leaped onto the rock face and found a path to climb. Gale nodded in response and stood guard over everyone as we waited for her to scout ahead. Sweat poured from my head. It was much hotter despite the lack of sun.

"See anything yet?" Gale called out to Lukia. She didn't respond for a few moments. The edge of the rock face curved up onto a little arch. Lukia stepped onto the arch and looked ahead, using her ranger training to perceive the area ahead.

"Uhh... Lots of smoke... I think there was a fire, but I don't know... Wait... I think I see something!"

"What is it?" Herk shouted.

"Something definitely burned ahead! There is nothing but black stains on the ground, and anything nearby is ash. Whatever happened, it was just before we arrived. I'm going to come down, but there's not much I can do from here."

"Take your time. We are going to press forward; catch up when you can!" Gale pulls the reins on his horse, and we all begin to follow. Herk grabs Lukia's horse and slowly pulls it forward with his horse.

I stayed riding on mine, slowly leading it forward with everyone else. After a few minutes of moving, I felt my body burn deep inside. It rose further until I held onto my body. Screaming would be a waste of air as the mark on my neck blazed hotter than before. Warning me of grave danger. The vampires and the Stalker didn't have much of a reaction than this before. It was unbearable; I held my neck tightly; the skin was red, and the mark continued to heat up.

There were roars in the distance that faded out. It sounded large and bellowed from far away, past the other mountains to the north of us. Before long, we took notice as the clouds parted with another roar. Giant dark red veins pulsated through leathery wings. Embers and sparks fumed from its nostrils, and the blazing heat of hell poured from its eyes. Out from the dark smoke and fog was a large red dragon, a very old one. The wings expanded and unfurled; molten lava drooled from its mouth.

"That...isn't a Flame Salamander... It's a fucking DRAGON!" Gale shook in his boots. Dragon's fear of witnessing such a beast caused the entire party to crumble. None of them have ever seen such a magical creature, let alone one as big and intimidating as such. Despite its presence, my body was too concerned with the curse to freeze. Seeing the Dragon flying towards us, I quickly jumped off the saddle and pushed everyone to the side.

"We need to hide! Don't let it see us!" I pleaded as everyone continued to stare in horror. Gale blinked and frantically tried to move but tripped over himself. I ran to his side and punched the top of his head.

Gale held his head and looked at me with his single eye. I could see the confusing and conflicting emotions behind it. I grabbed his cloak and pulled at it. "Come on! We'll die if it sees us!"

The giant creature roared again. The vibrating waves of its voice reached us. Causing the fear to break the best of us. It approached closer with the flap of its wings. A piercing gaze behind its eye, it would be soon before his sight catches us in the open...

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