CHAPTER THREE: Chaos unleashed

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In the heart of Valhalla, where once harmony and serenity reigned, an ominous transformation was underway. The delicate balance that had defined the celestial city was teetering on the brink of collapse, as the discord sown by Samiel, now driven by envy and ambition, ignited a rebellion that threatened to engulf the realm in chaos, turmoil, and violence

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in shades of rose and gold, Valhalla once serene streets trembled beneath the weight of marching feet, Samiel's forces, their wings now tainted with shadows, moved with a determination that bellied their once-devoted loyalty to Nexus. The celestial city echoed with the cries of defiance, the sounds of rebellion clashing with the ethereal melodies that once permeated its air.

Samiel, stood at the forefront of this uprising, his eyes ablaze with a passion that had twisted into bitterness, his voice resonated through the city's grand avenues, a call to arms that promised liberation from Nexus's light.

"today marks the beginning of a new era", Samiel voice boomed, reaching every corner of Valhalla. "No longer shall we be blinded by Nexus's favoritism, together we rise against the tyranny of the chosen and reclaim our right to power"

The celestial beings, their wings aglow with fervor, rallied around Samiel, their faces alight with a new found purpose, among them was Selene, her wings casting a shadow for the first time. Doubt gnawed at her heart, but she felt the pull of something greater- a chance to stand apart, to rewrite the faith that has seemed preordained.

"Are we not worthy of Nexus's light too?" Selene whispered to her newfound companions, their eyes gleaming with the allure of rebellion. "We must forge our own destiny, unburdened by the shackles of preordained roles"

The once harmonious gardens of Valhalla now bore the scars of upheaval. Flowers trampled beneath the feet of rebels lay discarded, their vibrant petals crushed by a violence that was foreign to their existence, Ramiel, the custodian of dreams wandered through the devastation, his heart heavy with sorrow.

"This was not the destiny they were meant for", Ramiel murmured to Aria, his voice tinged with sadness. "But amidst the chaos, we must find a way to rekindle the flames of unity. Perhaps, through Nexus's light, we can mend what has been torn asunder."

The clash of swords echoed through Valhalla's streets, an eerie symphony of conflict that seemed to shatter the very tranquility that had defined the celestial realm. Nexus's eternal light cast long shadows as the celestial beings loyal to Samiel fought with those who remained steadfast in their devotion.

At the heart of the turmoil was Michael, his wings aglow with a radiant light that held back the encroaching darkness. His initial response was a mixture of determination and shock, his eyes scanning the chaos that had erupted within the city he swore to protect.