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It had already passed midnight when the two finally settled in bed together. After watching half an episode of Money Heist Korea, the two decided to simply go to bed. The moonlight shone through the curtains, illuminating their expressions ever so slightly amidst the darkness. Wrapped in each other's arms to share their heat, the couple felt content with one another.



"Do you think... we could ever stay together for a really long time? Knowing the circumstance of our relationship?"

Hanbin seemed to be in thought for a second before nodding. "Of course. With enough care and loving treatment, a relationship could last quite long."

"Do you think we can finally do the thing that we were so hesitant to do...?"

Hanbin was quiet as Zhang Hao sat up from the bed, raising his body over Hanbin's to have either of his legs beside the other's waist. He glanced up at the other, his heart rushing in his chest. Were they ready? Or was it still too soon? Zhang Hao took his shirt off, tossing it off to the side, making it certain what his intentions were.

"Are you sure, love?" Hanbin asked softly, still hesitating as Zhang Hao nodded. "Are you certain that you're ready?"

Zhang Hao leaned forward, intertwining their hands beside Hanbin's head as he gently pressed his lips to the Korean's, holding their breath for a moment as the heat between them grew. Hanbin felt Zhang Hao move against him, causing him to momentarily increase his grip on Zhang Hao's hands.

"Hanbin-ah," Zhang Hao suddenly muttered against his lips, "did you know that I'm older than you?"

Hanbin pulled from the other in shock. "Don't lie."

Zhang Hao laughed slightly as he nodded. "Not by much, though. I'm still a hyung."

"Why didn't you tell me? I've been speaking informally this whole time...!"

"It's cute how you spoke so comfortably with me," Zhang Hao laughed, leaning forward again to press their lips together. "I didn't mind it, anyway. But call me hyung — I think you'd like it."


Hanbin smiled against his lips, tongues meshing beautifully as the warmth spread between them. As the warmth grew, more of their clothing disappeared off their bodies, leaving them bare under the moonlight. Hanbin felt rather shy to show his body to someone, but Zhang Hao delivered a sweet level of comfort that eased him into the situation.

"You're beautiful like this," Hanbin spoke softly, resting his hands on Zhang Hao's waist. "Just tell me if anything hurts, okay? I don't want to hurt you."

"Just make love to me, Hanbin."

The two shared their first night of passion, their hot love being shared in the most beautiful way. Zhang Hao had taken control, allowing Hanbin to love him in that deep, passionate manner for the first time. Hanbin was his first but the younger clearly had some degree of experience, so he trusted Hanbin with his body.

Hanbin grew addicted to the feeling of Zhang Hao riding him, closing his eyes every so often to make sure that they didn't make a noise. Zhang Hao's desperate noises of release were like music to his ears, an indication of his growing passion. They didn't stop — they couldn't stop.

But that warmth slowly died down, leaving the two to bask in the afterglow. Zhang Hao had his arm around Hanbin's waist, head rested on his chest as the two contemplated falling asleep. Hanbin gently ran a hand through Zhang Hao's brunette hair, still unable to get rid of that feeling of elatedness.

Zhang Hao was his.

"Are you still coming with me to Seoul?" Hanbin asked softly, causing the other to look up at him and nod. "Really? Ah, I'm happy."

"Hanbin-ah, I'm just glad it's you. I don't know anyone who would try this hard to... love someone."

"It's you, hyung. Someone like you is just so easy to love."

Zhang Hao smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to Hanbin's chin. "I like it when you call me 'hyung'. Makes you cuter."


Zhang Hao laughed, hugging Hanbin tighter around his waist. "Ah, you're too cute. You can call me Hao-ge as well, I don't mind."

"I like calling you 'love', though."

"What nickname can I give you, though?"

"Call me something in Chinese."

"... I'll think about it."

"So it's official between you two?"

Hanbin hummed in response as he nodded to himself, smiling slightly as he looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah, it's official. Hao hyung is my boyfriend now, Lix, so I want absolutely nothing to do with Matthew from no onwards."

"Wow, you moved on pretty fast. Congrats on the new relationship, though. What was the deciding factor? How did it all piece together?"

"Well, we... slept together last night. I guess it was the final piece of the puzzle and... we're coming back to Seoul together."

"Wha—?! Binnie, that's great! But will he be okay?"

"I've sent my supervisor an email to ask if there are any positions open at Antares — and she said that he could send his CV and she might hire him as a personal assistant."

"I hope he gets paid well because Seoul sucks sometimes."

"We'll be okay, I think."

"It's good to see that things are changing for the better for you, Bin-ah. Oh, I have to go now. Take care, dude."

"Bye, Lix. See you in a few days."

The two seemed to hang up at the same time and Hanbin pocketed his phone, glancing back at the boy sleeping peacefully beside him. He lifted a hand to gently flatten Zhang Hao's hair from its messy disposition, but his hair refused to obey, in any case.

Eight days remained.

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