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Hanbin was nervous to discuss Zhang Hao's permanent departure from Taeseon-gu — Zhang Hao had lived in the small village for his entire life. It was all he knew — to suddenly take him out of this quaint little town would be rather selfish — so he'd at least allow him to say his goodbyes to everyone.

It was nearly the morning time when the restaurant was quiet and cozy. Mrs Zhang was preparing ingredients for the day when Zhang Hao and Hanbin walked in. She smiled at the two, but could tell that something was amiss. "What's wrong, you two? You seem rather glum."

Hanbin bowed as he entered the restaurant beside his boyfriend, meeting eyes with Zhang Hao before giving a quick nod. Zhang Hao sat down in front of his mother, beckoning Hanbin to sit beside him. "We've been talking recently, Mom, and... Hanbin and I have begun to get more serious with one another."

"We want to tell you that... Hao hyung is moving in with me in Seoul."

Mrs Zhang showed a smile. "Hao-ya, I said that you could go to Seoul for a but, I don't mind—"

"No, Mom. I'm staying in Seoul."

With this, she fell silent. Zhang Hao's heart was beating erratically in his chest as his mother's expression filled with shock. "Y... you're leaving Taeseon-gu...?"

"We wanted to ask your permission before any final decisions are made," Hanbin said quickly. "If anything, I want him to stay for a few weeks to see if he'll enjoy it, then move his stuff over to Seoul permanently."

Mrs Zhang glanced at her son, a forlorn smile forming on her lips. "You're all grown up now, aren't you, dear?"

Zhang Hao smiled slightly as he nodded. "Rather than moving because I am so in love with him, I feel that living together could give us an opportunity to strengthen our relationship and get to know one another at a deeper level. Hanbin, right now, means a lot to me, and... I think he feels the same way."

"You two have had my blessing since the very beginning," Mrs Zhang smiled, showing a tired smile. "You've grown up well, my son. I'm sure I can trust you to make your own decisions as an adult."

Zhang Hao nodded, reaching beside him to hold Hanbin's hand. "I'm ready to grow even further with Hanbin by my side."

Mrs Zhang smiled rather sadly. "There's no reason to be sad about this, Huixia...! Your boy is all big now! Right — are there any small specifics that you two would like to know or ask?"

Zhang Hao and Hanbin looked at one another before humming in thought. "Well, uhm... I've never moved in with a partner before, so..."

"Well, now that you're a couple and will be living together, I'd just like to give some advice that would help you work together," she said as she picked up a carrot. "You'll have to split responsibilities between you — who cleans this, who cooks that. Go out together once in a while to keep the romance alive. Watch a movie together, exercise together, get a pet together — start a family one day. Don't do what your father and I ended up doing, dear. I didn't love him enough and it barely hurt to see him go."

Hanbin glanced at Zhang Hao with a frown, but the other sent him a look that said that he'd explain later. "Mom, do you think Hanbin and I will be together for a long time...?"

"Quite long, I suppose. You got together so quickly and have yet to grow out of being frivolous little lovers — but I think that's a charm in its own," she smiled. "It's the foundation of your love. Hanbin-ah — I hope my Hao protects your gentle heart. From what I can tell, you're quite a lover and my loveless Hao could use someone like you. I hope you two love well and improve one another as people."

Hanbin smiled as he bowed his head. "Thank you for your blessing."

Mrs Zhang smiled as she dropped the skinned carrot into the bowl of water. "When do you plan on leaving, dear?"

"As soon as possible," Hanbin said. "I'll rebook my flight for the next one out and get a ticket for Hao hyung as well."

"You better pack your things soon, my dear — we could arrange for your things to be couriered over to your new home," Mrs Zhang hummed. "Oh — don't forget Jiwoong. My goodness, is that boy ever persistent. Jiwoong is lovely, but I think that he still has feelings for my dear Hao."

"Well, it's too late because I'm leaving with my boyfriend," Zhang Hao smiled as he leaned against Hanbin. "I'll start putting my things in bags upstairs."

"I can help," Hanbin offered as he stood up from the seat in front of Mrs Zhang. "Thank you very much for your blessing, Mrs Zhang. I will treat your son with love and respect."

"Yes, yes — now, run along, you two. Don't catch on too much trouble." Hanbin and Zhang Hao walked to the back of the restaurant, heading up the stairs to where the Zhangs lived. Mrs Zhang glanced up, seeing Jiwoong standing just outside the door — he had been listening in. "Done fighting now, dear?"

Jiwoong stepped into the restaurant, a heavy yet forlorn smile on his face. "Hao really seems to like this boy if he's willing to move out of Taeseon-gu to be with him."

"Zhang Hao's messed-up beliefs of love are what prevented him from loving anyone in the first place," Mrs Zhang sighed as she began peeling another carrot. "I'm very sorry that you failed to show my boy real love. Even I can tell that your love for him was surface-level. Hanbin... loves him. Quite a lot."

Jiwoong smiled slightly. "Was there ever a chance between us...?"

"I don't think so — he let you go so easily last year," Mrs Zhang shrugged. "My Hao doesn't love easily. For someone to dearly treat him this way... is very lucky. I believe that Hanbin is the one."

Jiwoong sighed slightly as he leaned against the wall. "I think it's time for me to leave as well, I suppose. Hao won't give me a chance, and Hanbin has already claimed him. Oh well — I suppose it's time for me to find love somewhere else."

"I hear Hanbin's ex boyfriend is single — and quite a cutie. Their words, not mine."

Jiwoong scrunched his nose as he shook his head. "I think it's time for me to focus on myself for a bit." He bowed his head to the middle-aged woman sitting by the table with a smile. "Keep well, Mrs Zhang."

"You can still visit, Jiwoong-ah. Keep in touch."

Jiwoong turned around as he opened the door. "I'll do my best."

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