Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 -

For the fifth day in a row now, Eponine frequented the Cafe Musain unburdened by Marius at her side. Grantaire, well it appeared as if he never left, though if one waited until the early hours of the morning they would learn how that was not the case. The brashest of the students, he took it upon himself to see that Eponine felt completely as ease among them. Between them struck up an unlikely friendship. Grantaire was quite a perceptive man, noticing the wariness in her eyes each time he took a swig from his bottle, how she jerked away slightly whenever he would raise his hand to order another. He tried his best to drink as little as possible when she was around. Eponine herself being discerningly observant as a street urchin is, picked up on his changing habits and so warmed considerably to his kindness.

This particular morning they were sat in a comfortable silence, basking in the light of the first rays of sun to penetrate the cafe that day, enjoying one another's company as Grantaire nursed his daily hangover before he would his drinking would resume.

Their peace was disturbed by the entrance of Courfeyrac and a small gamin on his back. They were laughing, grinning mischievously like they'd been up to know good. The little boy's eyes widened when he spotted the girl already in the cafe.

"Eponine!" He squealed, scrambling down to the floor and running to her. She had got up too, only to drop to her knees to catch the whirlwind mid sprint.

"Gavroche! What are you doing here?" She gasped, joyous at their reunion, hugging him tightly to her chest.

"I haven't seen you in so long I thought maybe..." He trailed off briefly before picking up again just as brightly as he'd begun, "What are you doing here, Ponine?" He pulled away enough to grin at her and grab her hands.

"I, well I..." She stumbled to provide an explanation.

"Eponine's our friend now, Gavroche." Grantaire slipped in.

"Yeah, how do you know each other?" Courfeyrac walked other, bemused by the situation. The pair grinned at each other in amusement.

"This is my brother." Eponine looked up at the two men, delight shining in her eyes from hearing them call her their friend. Marius had been the only friend she'd ever had and within a week, they'd shown more interest in her than Marius had in the past year.

After the initial surprise and explanations, Gavroche scampered off with Courfeyrac in pursuit leaving the two alone in the cafe once again. Or so they thought.

A movement from the far corner startled them. Enjolras was standing there stretching his stiff arms above his head. He'd fallen asleep at a table the night before and since he was here everyday the owner let him rest there for the night.

"Has he been there the whole time?" Eponine murmured quietly to Grantaire as they both scrutinised the man.

"Yes." Enjolras yawned before he could answer and strode towards them.

"I might've known you were related to Gavroche." He said as he sat across the table from them.

"Being related to someone does not make you alike." Eponine shot back, uncomfortable in the knowledge that he had spied on their reunion. He deliberated this for a moment.

"Then perhaps sharing the same upbringing does." His fierce eyes seemed to soften as he spoke in a tone much alike to what she had heard that night in the alley.

"Please do not pretend that you know anything of my upbringing, Enjolras." She replied coldly. Grantaire had not said a word since he had joined them but raised his hand now to signal the bartender for a bottle of wine.

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