Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 -

Eponine was left standing alone in the street. She struggled to regain her composure as her mind replayed the events of the past few minutes over and over. Enjolras had kissed her. Yes they had kissed before but only from Eponine's instigation. This time it had been all his own doing, she had not even expected it. And then... Then he had left. Just like that. No explanation, just a hurried goodbye. He had ended the kiss tenderly, gazing into her eyes in an intimate afterthought. Then, as if he had been bitten, he jerked back.

"I - err - I have to go. I'll see you at the Musain later." He had gushed, stumbling over his words before backing away and disappearing back around the corner.

Eponine raised her hand and gingerly pressed her fingertips to her lips. She could still feel his upon hers. What had just happened? She could not make sense of it. Just like the last time, he had bailed on her and ran.

Eponine suddenly felt very vulnerable, standing alone in the open street. She shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the confusion and picked her feet off the ground to send her ambling towards the Musain.

She was greeted by a cheer from the Les Amis de l'ABC inside as they had not seen her out for almost two weeks now. Many, such as Bahorel and Feuilly, ahad not seen her at all in this period and so descended upon her like a flock of excited birds. Eponine felt a fulfilling warmth spread from her fingertips into her chest as she was enveloped by hugs and kind smiles. Was this what it felt like? To have people care about you, that is. She wondered to herself as Joly busied himself to check on her health, lifting her chin and instructing her to say 'ahh'.

"All better then, Enjolras must have taken good care of you." He emphasised the word 'good' with a flicker of a grin crossing his expression. Eponine's eyes widened at his discretion and grabbed his wrist to pull him from the crowd.

"What did Courf tell you?" She hissed at the student. He quaked before bursting into laughter. Eponine yanked on his wrist again to reiterate her irascibility.

"It's okay, don't blame Courf, he only told me because we're roommates and well, he's a terrible gossip." He broke out into a rough chuckle at his afterthought.

"You won't tell anyone?" Eponine demanded more than requested.

"Your secret's safe with me, well and Musichetta. And also Grantaire, but you told him, did you not?"

Eponine groaned.

"Musichetta will tell Bossuet! And yes of course I told Grantaire, he's my closest friend." She muttered, her irritation making itself apparent in her tone. Joly was still grinning and pulled up a chair for the girl at the nearest table before seating himself opposite. Eponine slumped into the chair and sighed.

"What's a secret between friends, 'Ponine? Besides, Bossuet is the fault in the chain, he won't tell anyone else, he despises Musichetta's gossiping." At that moment, Grantaire dropped into the seat beside her, wine spilling down the neck of his bottle from the jolt.

"I, on the other hand, love her gossip. It's always top quality; no doubt she gets it all from you, my friend." He grinned at Joly, clasping his hand on his shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"I believe you already know this topic, however." Joly countered making Grantaire snigger.

"Ah, I see, this is about the magnificent marmoreal man and his luxurious lips." This was cause enough for Joly to give a great guffaw and descend into raucous laughter once more whilst Grantaire beamed, looking rather smug and pleased with himself. Eponine saw it as the perfect opportunity to elbow him square in the gut.

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