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I do not own the art. Credit goes to the incredible creator. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It belongs to J.K. Rowling.

So this one is hard for me. I love them separately, but together? Idk. For this i think,


Dam, that was harder to type than I thought. I don't hate them together, I think I just can't see it lasting like it did. I genuinely don't know why, but for me, Ginny kinda gives off lesbian vibes? Unpopular opinion, but I ship her more with Luna than Harry.  Harry's kinda zesty too. And I think I ship him with Ron.

I do have a favourite moment for them, though. The part when Ginny tells Harry about Romilda asking if he has a hippogriff tattooed across his chest, and she says she said it was a dragon. I really loved that part.

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