|| Letters I can't send ||

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This is a random oneshot i wrote at 1am last night. Please feel blessed by it. Or don't. It's up to you. And yes, I know it's not really what this book is, but y'know. The brain-children come and go. TOA doesn't happen in this one btw.

Also, i apologize in advance.

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Dear Percy,

Dr. Myler said writing to you might help, even if you'll never get these letters. I don't know. She's annoying. The sessions are helping. Sort of.

It's been 2 weeks, 6 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes and about 40 seconds since it. Is that healthy? To know? Probably not. I can't help it, though. 

Leo came back, by the way. He brought calypso, y'know, the one I was, as you put it, 'jealous' of. Ha. God's, that was so long ago. We were so young.

How am i supposed to do this without you? Why did  you go on that quest? It was one demigod. 

 - Annabeth

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Hi Percy,

I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me to say. But it was just one demigod. And  you, you selfless, stupid, amazing man decided that was one demigod we couldn't lose. We did lose one, just not them.

I've decided I'm not going to go to college. Especially not the one in New Rome, the one you wanted us to go to. Together.  It's just too painful. I tried, I really did.

Will and Nico got together. I know you're happy for them, even if you really aren't his type anymore. Nico laughed yesterday. He properly laughed, and he hasn't done that in a while. Not many people have, if I'm honest.

Oh, Reyna joined the Hunters of Artemis. She's gotten really close with Thalia, which isn't exactly surprising. No-ones really sure why she left. I think all the pressure that was put on her at Camp Jupiter was too much. Frank and Hazel are the Praetors now. 

 - Yours forever,


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I am mad at you.

 - Annabeth

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Dear Percy,

I got into Yale!! I know I said I wasn't going to go to college. I got lectures from everyone, including my mother. But then Hazel turned up. She let me cry on her. She listened. She reassured me and built me back up every time I fell. I decided, in the end, that you wouldn't want me to sit around the rest of my life. So I'm going. It's going to be hard. God's Percy, it's going to be so, so hard. So, I'm going to do it.

It's nearly been a year. Nearly been 365 days without you. It went by so slow, yet so fast. I miss you.

And I'm still mad at you. Just less.

 - I love you, idiot,


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Hey Perce,

It's been a few years, Six, actually. A lot's happened.

Piper and Jason got married three years ago. They have triplets now - Cody, Maya and Tom. they're two, and Pipes has another girl on the way. Their family's growing.

Frank and Hazel are engaged, as of New Years. Both of them want a summer wedding, and everything's already planned and set to go, so only a month to wait. They're still running Camp Jupiter, and doing it better than ever. 

Will and Nico traveled for a while. They ended up in Italy, where they adopted and orphaned little girl. Her name's Bianca. I cried the first time I met her, and you would have absolutely loved her. They're moving back here next week, in time for the wedding and their di stella 3rd birthday. Will's planning on proposing. So is Nico. 

Thalia and Reyna left the Hunters of Artemis, with full permission and honors from Artemis herself. They've been dating for just over a year now. I get a visit from them once or twice a fortnight. They're so happy. 

Leo and Calypso opened a machine shop.  They run it together, and eloped about five years ago. Piper was furious, as you can probably imagine, but she got over it eventually. Caly's pregnant, her baby shower was yesterday. It's a boy.

I think I'm jealous. They're with the ones they love, with their families, and I'm so unbelievably happy for them all, but I wish we got that. It doesn't feel fair.

I haven't met anyone. Piper's set me up a few time, and they were all perfectly fine people. I hated every single one. 

I miss you. A lot. What else is there to say?

 - Love, 

     Your Nobody

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Dear Percy,

30 years. That's how long it's been. I'm 55 now. It's your birthday next week. I always forget I'm older than you.

Percy, Hazel died yesterday. She had a heart attack. It doesn't feel real. She was still young, just about to turn 51. Frank's in so much pain. Have you found her yet? Take care of her. Please, Percy. Make sure she's safe.

I spiraled after I heard. I hadn't had an episode in so long. It hurt. It hurts. 

How many years until I can join you, Perce?

 - Love, always,


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I'm coming, Seaweed Brain. 87 years, I've been waiting.

I'll see you soon, my love.  

 - Your Wise Girl.

I regret nothing. 

Wait no, that's a lie. 

I regret everything.

I love you guys for reading this. It hit 500 reads and I couldn't be happier <3

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