Another random oneshot because I can

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Hi. Yes, I am back with another one of these. If you have any complaints, please send them to me and I will probably never get back to you. 

Prompt: Percy and Annabeth have an argument, but, well, they're Percy and Annabeth.

"God's, Percy, you can't just go out with Leo, Frank, and Jason without telling me! You could have been attacked, or gotten black-out drunk and I would never know!"

"Yeah, well, I think I could handle a couple of monsters, and you know how I feel about me drinking. Not that you're one to talk, what about when you and Piper get drunk? The only reason both of you are still alive is because Hazel drags you two home every time it happens!"

"Oh, so now we're getting into that, are we? Can I just remind you that you are the one encouraging me to go in the first place, you told me to go out and have fun, so if anyone's to blame, it's you."

"I told you to have fun, not completely poison yourself with alcohol! It is not my fault, and how did this even end up here?"

"You should have told me you were going out. Even just a note would have been fine!"

"I can go out with my friends! Stop being so controlling!"

"Controlling!? God's, I am not doing this right now. I'm leaving. We can talk when you're not being so immature."



~ le time skip (percy's in bed. annabeth tried to sleep in the spare room, but, well, you'll see) ~ 

"Percy? Are you still awake?"


"Can't sleep?

"Nah. Something's missing."

~ Silence for like 30 seconds ~

"Um. Can we suspend the argument?"

"Please. Cuddles?"

"Y'know, I think I'm what's missing."

"Hmph. Maybe."

"So, what were you saying about cuddles?"


~ another le time skip. it's been 10 minutes ~



"I love you."

"I love you more, Wise Girl."

"Doubt it."

"You shouldn't."

"Oh, there's just one more thing before we sleep."


"I'm still mad at you for not telling me before you left. But I'm sorry."

"I know Annabeth. I'm sorry too. We can talk more in the morning, but sleep now."

"I know I've said this already, but I love you."

"So have I, but I still love you more."

this was pretty to write 🤍🤍

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