Fremione + Geomione

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I do not own the art. Credit goes to the incredible creator. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It belongs to J.K. Rowling.

So, I'm doing these two at once. Lucky you guys. Even though it's because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to do two separate ones, but we don't talk about that. Plus, my opinion is the same for both,


So, I'll start with my reasoning for Fremione. Hermione and Ron have no chemistry whatsoever, but that doesn't mean there's none with other Weasely's. The energy is just so right.

And tbh it's the same with her and George. They are twins for a reason. 

Paris? Do you even need to ask?

Obviously, this is only if Dramione couldn't exist. that pairing just beats all others. 

hiiiiiiiii <33

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