Chapter 2: Next Stop, The Gremory Territory

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"Talking" *thinking, doing an action, or reacting to something* 'quoting someone'

Current Stats:

Level: 7

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Magic: 10

Agility: 12

Luck: 9

Moves: Attack, Zio

Magatsuhi skill: Omagatoki: Critical

Allies: Pixie

Pixies moves: Attack, Zan, Dia

Treasure sniffer: Amanozako

(A/N): Only you, your allies, and Amanozako can hear Aogami and Aogami has used his powers to make sure no one in your group gets interrupted while chatting with each other, you can still hear things around you, it'll look like your just thinking to yourself, unless Aogami shows himself to others.

My group was on the way to a train station (?) yeah I'm confused how are there trains in hell, why are there trains in hell, who came up with idea to build trains in hell who knows but, it beats sprinting all the way to the Gremory Territory.

(Y/N): "So, we are going to the Gremory Territory by train, I don't get it, why cant demons just use their wings and fly from place to place?"

(Aogami): "It was for convince sake and not all demons have wings or could use their own magic to fly keep that in mind."

(Y/N): "Right, its prolly a sore spot for those demons my bad." *So even some demons cant fly via wings or magic geez, they might be bullied cuz of that*

And right on cue a random demon was picking on a Slime demon in the same train carriage as you. As you looked around you that no one is stopping the bully or helping the Slime.

(Y/N): "Hold that thought Aogami, Imma deal with something real quick."

(Y/N): "Pixie get ready to standby the target is one humanoid demon I don't know if he has cronies or this guy is just a grunt."

(Pixie): "Okay boss man I'm ready."

(Y/N): *taps bully demon on the shoulder* "Oi, not cool mate."

(Bully Demon): "Huh, who th-"

(Y/N): *backhand bitchslapps the bully demon* "You think getting off to bulling the weak for a quick laugh is funny? Well I'm going to make you wish you weren't born."

Several of the passengers in the train car move to different cars to avoid the fighting. The Slime demon looked at me and moved behind me.

(Bully Demon): "Fuck you I'll dislocate your spine."

(Y/N): *sighs* "Even in hell I guess some things never change."

Battle 3 Vs Bully Demon

Getting ready I summon my Beam Sword and my new ally Pixie getting ready for my first fight vs a humanoid demon. He looks around my height, maybe a little smaller with the same skin complexation of a human. The Bully Demon gets out his knuckles dusters and puts them on, they looked like they were falling apart, was this prick shaking down others to get more money for repairs or a different weapon? Didn't matter It was time to clean the clocks of this asshole. He charged in running going in for a left hook, a dodged it and clapped back with my Beam Sword cutting a flesh wound on his chest area. The Bully didn't feel the damage and wanted to go for an uppercut with his right hand, but was stopped by Pixie with a Zan and aimed at the wound on his chest I caused. The Bully stumbled back a bit in shock and pain but gritted his teeth saying "Ill admit one thing to you lot, I underestimated you all that's mistake I won't make a second time." before he attacked me I dodged making sure Slime was safe and retorted like whiplash in a confident attuite saying "I know you'll make same damn mistake more than twice." while firing a Zio out of my hands shocking the enemy and leaving The Bully shocked one knee on the floor, Pixie then attacked the enemy knocking him prone to the floor. "Yes!, Now's the time to Strike!" I exclaim waving my right hand and sprinting with pixie in tow we bum-rushed the Bully on the floor dealing "MASSIVE DAMAGE" but the fight still wasn't over yet, The Bully Demon got back up recovering from the shock and starting gasping for air saying "I *wheeze* I- I ain't done with you yet boi!" I don't respond in kind and roundhouse kick him to the floor and finish off what little fighting sprit he had left making The Bully Demon fall to the floor not dead but unconscious.

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