I fucked up

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Boboiboy POV.

My eyes open and i saw everything outside the window is dark. I remember cleaning myself up after doing the deed and I instantly fall asleep.

I didnt realise we are already in space. I took the blanket on the bed to cover my body as the temperature drop. But the spaceship is controlling the temperature to be bareble for us to be even walking and breathing.

Its amazing technology. I look around and turn to the other bunker bed and i saw a pair of shoe at the top bunker but i do not see who the shoe is own by. The bunker covers the body but the lower part of it is the stairs to climb. I slowly climb it and saw a red coloured skin man with a black braided hair sleeping soundly with no snore. I sit at the climbing steps and stare at him.

His skin is so unique. Red colour? And there's markings on his body like a tattoo? Or is it from born? Interesting creature. He is an Alien for sure. Look at that tail. Nothing earthly about this.

I dont know why. We aren't that diverse to this kind of creatures.

Humans are considered exotic from what Kizka told me in the past. More like, Aliens or other creatures that is bad will find ways to kill us and experiment on us. Kizka was saying there's good ones like him and the others..

I look at Nyx.

And there's bad ones that will exploit you. Remembering what happen back at where we were from.

Then I started feeling sad again.

I put my hand on my eyes covering it.

Damnit. Even Nyx is here. I feel like he making me happy. Suddenly it turns to an ugly feeling remembering how i trusted Fang to take care of my heart. Fang had always, always made me happy. But when he hurt me. It was the worse out of the worse. The kind of balance in the relationship that weighs out the bad after the good comes. Making it so toxic. I have always been too nice in the relationships that they just step all over me.

Am i starting to hate Fang?

Then i heard a rustling sound of cloth and the bed moving. I look towards Nyx and i saw him sitting up and looking at me worried.

"B-boboiboy.. are you okay?" He bring up his hand trying to comfort me.

My expression change from sad to happy. I feel warm around him.

Is it possible i can heal with him.

"I am okay Nyx." I give him a big smile.

Nyx smile back and gave a warm smile.

"Btw why are you sleeping? Didn't you just left to do your job?" I asked.

"Oh? Boboiboy we have warped the ship 2 times and that's considered a few of rest and warp process. And it has been almost 12 hours since i talked to you." Nyx had a little laugh at the end there.

Wait a min. Its been 12 hours?!

"I've been passed out over 12 hours, Nyx!?" I scream at him.

Then we heard the door of our room open. Nyx and me turn to the door.

"I heard you both are awake!" Scream kizka at the door. But Kizka couldn't find the both of us and started searching for us and found both of us on the top bunker on his right. "Ah! There you are!"

He walks to us and i drop down to the floor.

"Hello captain!" I salute him and give a kiddy face. "How are you Captain?"

Kizka came and headpat me.

"You no need to call me Captain Boboiboy." Then kizka move his head to the bunker where Nyx is sleeping

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