"I hope i will not regret this trip."

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Boboiboy’s POV

After waiting for a few minutes, my back start to feel uncomfortable of the heavy travelling bag that I'm carrying. I put my bag down.

Suddenly, a strong wind hits me very hard on the face. I cover my eyes using my arm so i open my eyes and see clearly.

I'm Seeing a very big spaceship trying to dock in. I took a step back. As the spaceship touch the earth, a door from the spaceship open.

“Boboiboy!” a very deep voice calling out my name.

“Hey Kizka! It's been awhile!” i run towards kizka and hugs kizka.

“Ah! “ kizka had to step back and regain his body posture to straighten up his body from me hugging him. “Boboiboy you have grown! “

“Yeah! I have finish school! As i promise, I'll go travel and see your planet! “

“I miss you so much!” Kizka touch my cheeks. “Never thought you would still go.”

“I promised you, i won't break it

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“I promised you, i won't break it.” I look to Kizka and smiles.

Then Kizka and me when inside and made our way. Kizka walked me to the bridge of the spaceship. There’s was a few other aliens, on the control. They saw Kizka walk in they all stood up and show respect by putting their hand on their chest.

Kizka put his hand on the chest to show respect to them back. Maybe is their way of respecting someone?

“Guys, this is Boboiboy that i have been telling you guys!” Kizka holds onto my shoulder. “We will be bringing him to our planet!”

“Please take care of myself!” i nervously says it

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“Please take care of myself!” i nervously says it.

“We will take care of you Boboiboy." said one of them.

"I wish for your fun trip. " said the other one at the controls.

"..." then the other guy with the red hair at the right side control kept quiet and continue his work.

"That one is a bit cranky forgive him but deep down his nice guy" Kizka whispered to me.

That's a bit weird.

"Okay then! "

Then kizka escort me to a room.

"This room is usually where my crew members would rest. I will leave you here 1st to get ready for take off. After we have take off and on auto pilot i will meet you." Kizka walks to the door.

"Wait! Kizka just one question." I walk to kizka

"yes boboiboy?" kizka looks at me.

"Err.. " i hestate to ask. "Never mind Kizka, I'll talk to you later"

I ended my words with a smile towards kizka. Kizka smile to me back and she put her handa behind her back and walk out the room.

As if she knows what i wanted to ask. Well never mind that.

The lounge is so cozy. One space of the room is full of water bags. Is that for sitting? The other corner is like a bar. Wow they have a bar! It looks so cool there. Another part is a installed to the wall looking sofa.

I walked to the sofa and it seems they have various shapes to change. There's a little screen on the wall. There's three pictures. 1 is a long sofa 2 for normal sitting and the last one. What is that? I'll ask kizka later.

Then i walk to the bar, i could see weird looking wines. They have wines too. Wow. But i hope it taste good! Better than yaya's cookie maybe!

Then i turn myself to the water bags section. They look so cool. There's like 7 water bags on the floor. The cute part of it is, the bags a glowing.

I touch the water bags, its cold! But is it only cold to my hand?

I sit on the water bags and i felt super calm. And its really cold but at the same time its nice-cold. If you know what i mean.

Then i heard the ship moving.

"Are we departing?!" i look to the big window behind me.

"Announcement, we are departing now. Just stay calm in a few minutes we will be moving out the orbit and seeing the stars of other worlds. " i heard kizka voice announcing and i felt super excited!

My face was lit up!

"Hey calm down dont get to excited!" eh?! He can see me?

I move my head towards the ceiling, there's a camera! Oh my god i feel shy!

I felt my face on fire.

"Its okay boboiboy,  there will be more excitement than that room you are in, when you arrived at our place." kizka comfort me with his normal 'mother words'. Aw i miss that really much for the past years.

"We are estimated to arrived at Terra in 1-2 days. We got a long trip!" then the announcement stop they continue exiting the orbit.

After reaching out the orbit, i saw only black environment through out the window and little stars from far.

"This is calming. " i touch the window. And put my forhead to the window. "I hope i will not regret this trip. "

To be continue...


I have comeback guys!  I'm deeply sorry for the long pause i had some adjustments times.  And things to settle with myself. And i think i need to give the biggest apology in my life to all my readers and friends.

The old book for Problematic 3 was a total disaster! I made that book out of my on ego and my negative side!

This remake for Problematic 3 i will pour my heart and soul for it. And hoping for this year to finish!

Can i see if i still got you guys support for me TwT. I love the shipping so much but due to college and love life which i recently had a break up, hit me hard. And that told me i need to redo the book and show who i am.

So guys i love for the beautiful comments from you guys. I will cherish it so much. From the Problematic 1 until 3. I love reading all the comments

Thank you for being here for me.

Lots of love


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