Chapter 3

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(Y/N) pov.

I made it back home and transformed into my goddess self that my hair grew a little bit longer with flowers blooming in my wavy (h/c) and my blue glow bright like a star. Long fox ears pop out from my head and a big bushy tail that is orange swaying side to side. Taking out the books and placing the bag on the table, sitting down with a sigh. I live not too far from Sam but a good place that is a cheap place to rent that I can grow money out of my hands. With a sigh I snapped my fingers and a laptop appeared in front of me and I went on eBay and started looking at Sam stuff that is for sale. Using my magic so only people can see the glasses besides buying them.

"I wish you wouldn't sell my old friend stuff to my friend Sam." I said while getting up and walked to the kitchen.

Flowers grow from walking in the house and once I was in the kitchen there were flowers everywhere that started to bloom more once I got into the room. With a smile I held out my hands to a plant as it rose up with a welcoming smell.

"Hello my friends, did you all get a lot of sunshine today?" I asked as there was a small humming coming from the flowers and plants. "Good, now I must go over to Sam and see if he got his first car."

Heading to my room I changed into a crop top (f/c) and army pants with boots and put on a jean jacket, transforming back into my teenage human self. I head out of my place and to my bike. Once on my bike I rode over to Sam's, when I got there I saw a yellow Camaro with black stripes and it looks old but something feels off about it but she can tell it's a good feeling not a bad one.

"Hello Sam!" I called out as Sam was starting to walk into the grass and he smiled.

"Hello (y/n)!" Sam called out as Ron and Judy were doing yard work.

"Ah Sam." Ron with a laugh sarcastically.

"What?" Sam asked while looking at his dad.

"I do not like footprints on my grass." Ron said as I looked down and noticed that I was in the grass a little bit.

"What foot- there's no footprints." Sam said as I got off my bike and placed it next to Judy's bike and started walking on the path.

"That's why I built my path. So why don't you go from my grass onto my path, okay?" Ron said as he looked over and saw me and smiled. "Like (y/n) is doing, thank you for walking on my path."

"Your welcome Ron." I said with a smile as Ron looked over at his son while Sam walked over to the path mumbling it's family grass dad and stuff.

"Well, when you own your own grass, you'll understand." Ron said as I kinda don't understand but hey it is his rules it's his rules of his own grass.

"This, this, I can't do it anymore." Sam said while talking to his mother while Mojo came running up to me barking with a happy tail wage.

"Hello Mojo." I said while kneeling and petting Mojo as he barked and jumped into my arms and started licking my face.

"That's his bling!" Judy called out as Sam came over to me and I placed Mojo down and stood back up with a smile on my face.

"Ready?" Sam said with excitement in his voice as I smiled and nodded.

"Yup." I said as we both walked over to his car and I can hear Judy telling us to be home at eleven o'clock.

"Yeah, all right." Sam called out and we got into his car and we put on our seat belts.

"Please for the love of God, drive safe!" Judy called out as she gasped when we heard a loud pop and I looked over my shoulder and saw smoke coming from behind us.

"Nice car." I said as Sam smiled and looked over at me as he was driving then back on the road.

"Thanks! I really love this car." Sam said as I smiled and nodded.

"Me too." I said as we drove off to his friend's house that I think he is a creep and a big flirt but I paid no attention to him.

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