Chapter 11

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Sam Pov.

I was on top of the building waving the flare as I was running. I saw two helicopters then one came into view and I smiled as I thought it's finally over but I was wrong. I was about to hang it over but stopped when I saw a missile coming our way.

"Watch out!" I yelled as the missile hit the copter and it was going down.

"Hang on Sam!" I heard Optimus called out as I tried to hide behind a statue holding on as I looked down and saw how far I was from the ground.

", no." I said when I heard Magatron coming over as I wondered what happened to (y/n).

"Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshling?" Magatron asked as I held the cube close to me as I wondered where to go and all. "Give me the All Spark and you may live to be my pet." I felt my foot slip as I grip on the statue more.

"Oh, no, no, no, no." I said to myself. "I'm never giving you this All Spark!" I yelled.

"Oh, so unwise." He growled before anything happened. I heard another growl and I know it was (y/n) because she came from the ground as the statue broke and I started falling backwards and I started to scream.

"I got you Sam!" Optimus said while catching me as I was panting. "Hold on to the cube!" We were going down as I looked up and saw (y/n) in her fox form and Magarton going at it as they were falling down and coming closer to us.

We all landed on the ground hard as I held onto the cube tight as Optimus looked down at me.

"Sam? You risked your life to protect the cube." He said as I looked at him.

"No sacrifice, victory." I said as we heard a loud howl and a growl as we both looked over and saw (y/n) fighting Magartron. She was losing badly as Magartron punched her in the face then pulled out something sharp and stabbed her in the side as she yelped in pain. "(Y/N)!" I yelled as Optimus look down at me.

"Sam, If I cannot defeat Magatron, you must push the cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy it. Get behind me." He told me and I did. "It's you and me, Magatron."

"No, it's just me, Prime!" Magatron said.

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall." Optimus said.

"You still fight for the weak! That is why you-lose!"

With that both of them started to fight as I tried to get over to (y/n) as she was laying on the ground. Once I got to her she was hurt badly and blood was coming from her wounds. I tried to stop the bleeding but there was too much, before I could touch the wound she stood up fast while snarling and her eyes were red and looked down at me. With a growl she showed her teeth while moving up to me as I back away.

"(Y/N), snap out of it! I am not your enemy, Magatron is! He is over there!" I yelled as she looked over and saw Magatron and Optimus and growled more but did not move.

I was about to yell for her but Magatron took down Optimus and started heading my way but (y/n) stood in front of me as she bit down hard on Magatron's leg. She snapped his leg off as Magatron growled out in pain and pulled out a gun and was about to shoot her but Optimus knocked him down as Magatron fell to the ground. Magatron slowly crawled over to me as I backed away with fear.

"Mine! AllSpark!" Magatron said.

"Sam! Put the cube in my chest! Now Sam!" Optimus said as I had another idea.

I stood up and held the cube up to Magatron's chest as I heard Optimus yelled no but it was too late the cube was being sucked into Magatron's chest as he was screaming out in pain before falling down to the ground. I looked at the now dead Megatron as he was not moving at all anymore till I heard a growl behind me and I turned around and saw (y/n) there growling with red eyes.

"(y/n)? Please stop this, it's over! You can turn back being a human!" I said as she growled some more.

Optimus came up to her and started to pet her slowly as she snapped at him but stopped once she looked into his eyes. I can tell something was wrong with (y/n) and I hope she can get out of this stance.

"Easy (y/n), I mean you no harm." Optimus said as this calmed (y/n) as I saw her eyes turn from red to blue and she hummed and nuzzled up to Optimus.

I stayed there watching her wondering if she was okay because she was still bleeding. (Y/N) started to glow and all her wounds are healed and she looks normal again as she turns her head and looks down at me.

" are okay." She said as I smiled up at her.

"Yeah I am thankful to you." I told her as she nodded.

"You left me no choice brother." I looked over at Optimus as he was neck to Magatron while still petting (y/n) then looked over at me. "Sam, I owe you my life, including you (y/n). We are in your debt."

"Prime, we couldn't save him." Ironhide said as he came up with Jazz in his hands.

"Oh, Jaz. We lost a great comrade, But gained new ones. Thank you, All of you." Optimus said while looking over at (y/n) as she bowed her head to him.

"Permission to speak, sir?" Bumblebee said as I smiled at this.

"Permission granted, old friend." Optimus said as I walked over to Bee.

"you speak now?" I asked as Bumblebee looked down at me then at Optimus.

"I wish to stay with the boy." Bumblebee said as I smiled at this.

"If that is his choice." Optimus said as I smiled more.

"Yes." I said.

"All of you could stay." (y/n)'s voice can be heard and I look over at her and she is in her human self again but this time her hair is longer and has flowers in them and flowers are growing around her. "You help and save our home Prime, all of you did. If it was just me I could not do it alone." She looked over at me with a kind smile. "Plus I could not do it without you too Sam. From now on the autobots and Sam including you soldiers are under my protection and now the new gardens of this world."

"We will be honored (y/n)." Optimus said and she smiled at him.

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