Chapter 7

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We all made it to Sam's home and let's just say Sam does not want any of them in the yard or near the house so he looks at Mikaela and I with a serious face.

"I need you to stay here, all right? You got to stay here and you two are going to watch them." Sam told Mikaela and I.

"Okay." Mikaela said while crossing her arms.

"All of them. Do you hear what I'm saying?" Sam said as I sighed and looked at Sam.

"Yes we hear what you are saying and make no promise that they will listen to us." I told him as he huffed and headed off but stopped and looked back at us.

"Five minutes, all right?" said Sam then he was gone.

Mikaela was watching Sam as I was watching them as they started to transform and I waved my hands at them.

"No, please just give Sam five minutes to find them!" I whisper yelled at them but they pay no attention to me and that pissed me off but I calmed down a bit. "Sam will not be too happy about this."

Optimus started to go over the yard and Sam was talking to his dad and Bumblebee told everyone to be quiet while shushing. I sighed and stayed put with my arms crossed grumbling on why they did not listen and knowing that Sam is going to be upset about this.

"NO, watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the- please, please, please. No, no, wait. No, no, no! Oh, no!" Sam whispered as Optimus stepped on the path and the fountain as it all broke.

"Oops, sorry my bad." Said Optimus as I sighed and walked over as Sam was telling Mikaela that she was supposed to watch them then look over at me.

"I told you so, they won't listen to me." I told him as Sam sighed and I saw Mojo came out and went to Ironhide.

"Oh no. Mojo no!" I called out and I was too late. Mojo started to pissed on Ironhide's foot.

"No! Mojo, Mojo! Get off the robot! God!" Sam yelled as he ran over and picked up his chihuahua.

"Nnn, wet." Ironhide said as he lifted up his foot.

"No no no no no no! Easy! Easy! Hold on! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet. Okay? That's all." Sam said while holding Mojo close to his chest and I sighed at this.

"Hhh!" Ironhide pulled out his cannons and pointed at Sam that was holding Mojo.

"If you could just put the guns away, put the- put them away. Please." Sam pleaded.

"You have a rodent infestation." Ironhide said.

"A what?" I asked.

"Shall I terminate?"

"No!" I said while standing in front of Sam. "He is a chihuahua, not a rodent. This is Sam's chihuahua. We love chihuahuas." I told him as he slowly put away his cannons.

"He leaked lubricants all over my foot!" Ironhide said.

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo, bad Mojo!" Sam said as Ironhide fully put away his cannons.

"Bad Mojo." Ironhide said as I sighed in relief as Sam was telling them that it's a male dog thing and all. "My foot's gonna rust." while walking away.

"All right. Okay, okay shut up and go hide!" Sam said as head head inside.

"Just hurry." Optimus said as I looked up at him. "Autobots recon."

Sometimes Optimus picked up Mikaela and headed over to Sam's window and helped her in as I stood there with my arms crossed.

"Maybe I should go in and help also but something in me telling me that something is going to happen soon and it's not going to be good." I mumbled to myself as Ratchet looked down at me.

"Are you alright?" Ratchet asked as I looked up at him.

"Not really, I feel like something bad is going to happen." I said and this made every autobots tense.

"Calm down, calm down." I heard Optimus say as Sam was talking to him.

"Autobots fall back." Optimus said as he held out his hand for me and I looked up at him then hopped on his hand.

Then he stood up and placed me on his shoulder. I saw Ironhide and Ratchet pushing each other. Move said Ironhide and Ratchet said get away till Ratchet was heading to the wires of the cable. Before I could say Ratchet already ran into it and fell down shaking the ground and I can hear Ron yelling Earthquake.

"Wow! That was tingly! Oh you gotta try that!" Ratchet said as Ironhide rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, That looks fun." Ironhide said as I sighed.

"Great, there is no light for them." I said and I was this close to transforming into my other side but I don't want my secret to be out not just yet.

"Ratchet, use your lights." Optimus said.

I could hear Ron and Judy coming over to Sam's room and I know this is bad because what happens when they see them, maybe I should transform but I know it's not my time yet. I started to hear the conversation and the robots started to hide. Once they were hiding from Sam's parents I tried not to laugh when Judy thinks that Sam was masturbating and stuff but I kept a straight face. I held onto Optimus when he moved away fast when Ron came into Sam's bathroom and Optimus grunted when he hit the side of the house shaking the house.

"Aftershock! Aftershock! Oh, I hate these." Ron said as I heard something coming.

"Come on, get out of that tub." Judy told Ron as Jazz does not know where to hide until he went where Bumblebee is at as Ron peek out from Sam's window.

"Oh, Oh no! Look at the yard! The yard is destroyed. Sheesh. Judy? Better call the city. We got a blown transformer! Power poles sparking all over the place. Aw man. Yard's a waste. Trashed. Gone. It's a wash. The whole yard." Ron complain about his yard.

"The parents are very irritating." Ironhide said while Ratchet was saying yeah three times. "Can I take them out?"

"Ironhide if you harm any of them I will harm you more." I growled as Ironhide looked shocked as he noticed my eyes glow a little bit of red but soon back to my blue eyes.

"Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans. What is with you?" Optimus said.

"Well, I'm just saying, we could. It's an option." Ironhide said as I growled under my breath.

"It's not an option! They are humans, they are weak and fragile." I said as I saw Optimus looking at me in the corner of his eye while Ratchet and Ironhide looked at me.

"But you are a human aren't you?" Jazz asked as I stayed quiet and looked down till I heard cars coming to the house.

"I will tell you later but for now we got company and you guys need to hide!" I told them as they listened for once and transformed and drove off as Optimus set me down and transformed. "Go, I will be fine." I told him as he hummed and drove off, turning around as I looked at the house and sighed. "Just as well stay with Sam." I mumbled to myself and walked in as I saw other people in the house.

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