Chapter 5

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I was out shopping for some new clothes till I saw Sam riding on his mothers bike and I wondered why he was riding his mothers bike instead of driving his new car till I saw his car chasing him with no one driving it. I snapped my fingers and all my bags went away and I started following him.

Sam Pov. (Before the chasing at home)

I can't believe that my car is alive plus I got in trouble with the cops and all because of my car. Now here I am going to try to have a normal day. A day it's just me and Mojo and maybe (y/n) if she is not busy. Listening to the news as Mojo was barking at the window and I did not feel like listening to his barks.

"Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please." I looked at what he was barking at and gasped and grabbed my phone and was about to call (y/n) but I don't want her to think I am crazy so I called Miles. "Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen, my car, it stole itself, okay?" I said while grabbing Mojo and trying to hide from the car. Miles was telling me what I am talking about and I was getting irritated by this. "Satan's Camaro. It's my yard. It's stalking me." I said and gave up on him and turned off my phone and put Mojo down and headed downstairs to get away from the car.

I got on my mothers bike and started paddling away from my car or I saw Satan's Camaro car following me. I rode faster as it kept on following me, I saw (y/n) in the corner of my eye but I did not want to bring her into this so I kept on going straight but when I looked ahead I was flipped over as I hit a curve.

"Sam" I heard Mikaela's voice.

"Hi." I grunted as I lay there for a little bit.

"That was, uh, that was really...awesome." She said as I slowly stood up while in pain.

"Uh, well it felt awesome." I said with a grunt.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern within her voice.

"I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. I'm getting chased by my car right now. Got to go!" I said while getting back on my mothers bike and riding off.

(Y/N) Pov.

I looked for Sam but I couldn't find him till I saw his car and I looked closely and saw it was indeed driving on its own. I used my mind powers to see if I could get any answer on why they are doing this but all I am getting is a radio voice and nothing else. With a sigh I stopped running and looked around then transformed into my goddess self and flew up into the air while turning invisible so no human could see me. Once I was in the air I heard Sam's voice in fear and I flew over to it and saw an evil robot that transforms into a cop car and Sam was in the yellow Camaro with Mikaela driving off. I follow them as I can't use my powers to stop the enemy but I know I have to do something to save Sam and Mikaela but I don't know how to without them knowing who or what I am.

"Come on, think!" I said with frustration till it was getting late out and I found them once again but this time the Camaro transformed into a robot just like that cop car did but it was protecting Sam and Mikaela. "Maybe I don't need to do anything."

The cop car came and let's just say a battle started and another robot, just a human sized one came out of the cop car and started chasing Sam and Mikaela. I flew down and landed on the ground and transformed into my human self and reappeared and ran over to Sam and got that robot off of him.

"Sam!" I called out and I used my super strength to punch that robot off of him as I sent it flying and Mikaela came with a chainsaw ready for anything.

The robot came back but Mikaela was ready and started killing that thing right in the spot.

"Yeah! Kill it! Kill it!" Sam yelled as I watched Mikaela killing that thing as its head moved away from its body and I walked over to it.

"Not so tough without a head, are you?" I said and kicked it as his head went flying into the air.

"What are you doing here (y/n)?" Sam asked as I looked over at him.

"I saw you were in trouble so I came to help plus I was on my walking spring so yeah." I lied to him for the first time but he bought it and grabbed Mikaela's hand and started walking towards the Camaro robot as he won the fight.

"What is it?" Mikaela asked as I walked behind them while looking up at the robot.

"It's a robot. But like a, like a different, you know, like a super-advanced robot. It's probably Japanese. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely Japanese." Sam said.

"I don't think so Sam." I mumbled.

"What are you doing?" Mikaela asked while Sam slowly walked up to the robot.

"I don't think it wants to hurt us. It would have done that already." Said Sam and I know it was a kind one because something is telling me to trust it as a friend.

"Really? Well, do you speak robot? Because they just had a giant droid death match." Said Mikaela with a harsh toon.

"I think it wants something from me." Sam said as I wonder what he means by that.

"What?" Mikaela said while glancing at Sam then back at the robot.

"Well, 'cause the other one was talking about my eBay page." Said Sam as he slowly walked up to the robot while the robot looked down at Sam, Mikaela and I.

"You are the strangest boy I have ever met." Mikaela as I smile at this.

"Can you talk?" Sam asked the robot as it started to talk thru the radio.

"XM Satellite Radio, digital cable brings you, Columbia Broadcasting System." Said the robot.

"So you, you can talk through the radio?" Sam asked as the robot clapped and whistled.

"Thank you, you're beautiful. You're wonderful, you're wonderful." said the robot.

"So, what was that last night? What was that?" Sam asked as the robot started to look up at the night sky.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain. Throughout the inanimate vastness of space-Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven. Hallelujah!" said the robot and now I know where that one robot came from.

"So you are like an alien or something?" I asked as the robot nodded and transformed back into the car.

"Any more questions you want to ask?" The robot asked as I smiled and walked up to the car and got in the back but stopped and looked over my shoulder and looked at Sam and Mikaela.

"Come on you two." I said then head inside then sit down in the back.

Sam and Mikaela came in and the car started on its own and started driving off. I stayed quiet and closed my eyes and Sam and Mikaela were talking to each other. As I have my eyes closed I start to have visions come into my mind like a battle that will happen soon, someone that I never knew petted me in my true form and the cube that is in someone's hands. Just then the car stopped and both Sam and Mikaela were kicked out besides me as the car drove away from those two.

"What is going on?" I asked as he did not answer till I felt the whole thing transform into a newer version of a car then drove back to Sam and Mikaela. "Wow...this is nice." I mumbled as I felt the leather is even more comfortable than before.

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