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   While both of them were asleep, his grandmother rested her head on Y/n's shoulder while Y/n slept atop his grandmother's head, the carriage arrived at their destination and Nanami dismounted from his horse.

The sound of the carriage door opening caused Inumaki's eyes to snap open. He stood on Y/n's lap, his fur bristling as he hissed loudly at Nanami.

"Easy there kitty." Nanami said, his voice gentle as he tried to calm the agitated cat. His gaze softened as he noticed Y/n and his grandmother peacefully asleep.

"Well, at least you're keeping watch." Inumaki's eyes remained fixed on him, a mix of suspicion and protectiveness evident in his glare.

"Can you wake them up for me?"

Reluctantly, and still wary of Nanami, Inumaki obliged. He rubbed his head against Y/n's body, letting out a soft, insistent meow.

He continued until Y/n woke up. Slowly, Y/n blinked sleepily, taking in his surroundings with a yawn.

"...Are we here already?" he mumbled.

"Yes, we’ve arrived."

"Oh, thanks for waking me up, buddy." Y/n scratched Inumaki behind the ears. The cat purred and leaned into the touch, clearly content. Beside Y/n, his grandmother began to stir, slowly waking from her slumber.

Once she was fully awake, they started to get off the carriage. Nanami extended his hand with a reassuring smile. Y/n thanked him and carefully disembarked, followed by his grandmother. With Nanami’s steady guidance, they stepped down safely, and Y/n’s cat, Inumaki, jumped down alongside them.

Y/n glanced up, his breath catching in his throat. The sight of the imperial palace up close was nothing short of breathtaking. The palace loomed majestically before him, a sprawling masterpiece of architecture that seemed to touch the sky. Towering spires reached skyward, their elegant curves and sharp edges crowned with gilded accents that gleamed in the sunlight.

The walls of the palace were a tapestry of intricate carvings and delicate filigree, each detail meticulously crafted. They shimmered with a polished finish, reflecting the sunlight in a dance of light and shadow that made the structure appear almost alive. Ornate columns and arches framed grand entrances, and lush gardens sprawled around the base, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the palace's regal splendor.

Y/n stood in awe, overwhelmed by the grandeur and sheer magnificence of the palace, feeling as though he had stepped into a world of dreams.

While Y/n was busy admiring the palace, a boy's voice cut through the air from a distance.


A figure sprinted towards them. The sudden shout caught the attention of both Nanami and Y/n. As the boy drew closer, his face became more distinct, revealing a look of concern.

As the boy approached, he came to a sudden stop in front of Nanami, breathless yet visibly relieved. Y/n’s grandmother slightly gripped his hand, and he noticed but brushed it off, thinking it was nothing. Up close, Y/n saw him clearly: a lean, muscular build, large light brown eyes, and spiky pink hair styled in an undercut. He wore a black long-sleeve shirt resembling a gakuran over a red hoodie, paired with black pants and red shoes.

"Nanami, I’ve been searching everywhere for you!"

“Itadori? What’s going on?”

"There's a situation going on! And he's calling for you, Nanami.”

Nanami's expression grew serious at the news. "Understood," he said.

"Could you take Y/n to Utahime? He’s recently been appointed as the new Servant here."

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