Pizza with the neighbour

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Walking through the doorway into his neutral hallway my senses changed. I couldn't smell the natural air anymore, instead my nose was filled with the smell of petals, and lavender air freshener. I didn't expect this, it looked like it had a real woman's touch, if his mum did live with him did she know her husband was taking my mum out? I didn't want any drama, so i had to ask.

"Is your mum joining us?" i cautiously asked.

"She died when i was three, i don't like to talk about it.." I got his message loud and clear it was a 'stop bugging me about my personal life, it has nothing to do with you' kind of message. Awkward.

I followed him through a wooden archway and into his kitchen. It was brown and red, perfectly decorated the modern-day chandelier completed it's whole look. Carston ushered me too sit down whilst reaching into his draw and picking out knife and forks. Huh? i thought we were having pizza. The look of confusion on my face must of tipped him off as he said;

"I lied. Most people wouldn't like to try what we're about to eat so i thought i'd tell you a commonly liked food to get you to eat with me" Genius. That was pure genius.

"Sounds as if you want me to stay" i  added emphasis on the 'want'. "Do i get a hint as to what we're eating?" i asked him politely.

"My dads world famous curry, and when i say world famous i mean it. He's entered food competitions all over." 

He placed down a dreadful looking curry, i definitely didn't fancy this not even in the slightest. 'Never judge a book by it's cover' i thought to myself. So i lifted the stainless steel fork, picked up some of the curry  and placed its contents into my mouth. The taste was surprisingly astonishing. Everything about it was perfectly proportioned, the taste, the flavour, even the amount of chicken he had put in it. 

When we had finished i helped Carston wash up, He washed i dried. We had a good thing going until he splashed hot soapy water at me. I got him back though by wiping my damp tea-towel in his face. He wasn't too happy about that and chased me into the corner of the room. I accidently left a wet handprint on his wall. Not even my fault! He was stood right in front of me, what was going to be his revenge? I looked up at him, my eyes penetrating his. I knew i wanted him. We were stood very still, he was closing the gap between our bodies and my heart started to beat faster than i thought was possible. I felt no heat coming form his body though, infact he was quite cold.. his hands met my hips, i continued to stare, i wanted him so much but everything felt so wrong. He leaned towards me, i quickly pushed him away and bolted for the front door, not wanting to see his reaction i didn't look back. I ran through the doorway to the hall and smacked my arm on the side of the wooden frame, it didn't slow me down though. I ran to my mums Beetle and led in the back seat- heart still pumping inhumanely fast. 

I just led there, re-thinking everything over in my head. I had to get away for a few days i had to know what i was feeling for Carston. Maybe they were fake feelings and i was just using him as a way to get over Alexs' death..It was possible, wasn't it? My mum needed to come home soon, i didn't want to hide out in the back seat all night- what could she possibly be doing? It was almost 11, she didn't even stay that late at bingo. I closed my eyes, hoping Carston hadn't noticed i chose to run in here......

I was standing in his living room again, i didn't even remember coming back? He was sat on his couch watching what looked like Shaun Of The Dead, i moved closer to the couch carrying a bowl of salted popcorn. I sat on the couch, he put his arm around me and i snuggled into him. It felt so good in his tender embrace. It felt so safe, his arms were walls and no one could climb them- it was just me and him on one side the whole world on the other. I ignored the guy getting pulled apart by the crowd of hungry zombies, turned my head to face him and kissed him. It was all innocent and then his hands went up the back of my top, i felt his fingers undo my clasp. I couldn't tell him to stop i just smiled throughout the kiss. The next thing i knew my top AND bra was off, so was ALL of his clothes. How did this even happen, i didn't even did i not notice?! i was to enticed not to enjoy it no matter what i thought.

*bang bang*

Okay so my mother woke me up from the dream i was having.. i opened the car door to get out.

"I'm so sorry Brookie, me and Sam was having a blast he's so, he's so romantic." She was slurring her words and walking funny..was my mum actually drunk?! i glared at my watch, 3:26am. I hoped she had a killer headache in the morning, it was her fault i had to live a near kiss with Carston, and it was her fault i had to dream near intercourse with Carston.

"Mum? are you drunk. This is so not like you?" i questioned her

"mum this is so not like you blah blah blah"  I couldn't help but giggle at her mimicking skills, she absolutely sucked at it, drunk or not. I opened up the house as my mother was struggling to find the lock. I made my mother a glass of water ad took out two paracetemol, it was proven that a pint of water and paracetemols cured morning hangovers. I remembered my dream and just gave her the pint of water.

"How was your night" she mumbled to me. I was surprised she could manage to stay awake this long looking at the state of her, her hair was wavy and her dress was part wet and she smelt of a winery. As i examined her more, i noticed the smudge stains of her lips, had my mum been out..KISSING SAM? before i had the time to question her, she stumbled up to bed. Definitely asking her questions tomorrow. I locked up and went to bed myself. I put my headphones in and turned up Arctic Monkeys- From The Ritz To The Rubble, hoping i wouldn't dream...anything.

I woke up the next morning and made my way downstairs, i could smell bacon. I walked into the kitchen and saw Carston slumped over the main kitchen island, his bum was perfect, i'd never actually noticed it before. I coughed to let everyone know i was in the room. "Morning" i made my way over to the fridge and took out the orange juice, careful not to make eye contact with Carston. I was pouring out my orange juice when the carton just slipped from my hands, the orange was snaking its way from the countertop to the floor.

"Shit" That came out way louder than i had thought.

"Brooklyn!!!!" my mother bellowed.

"Here let me help.." Carston chirped up and made his way over to the spillage, he made one loud sniff up. "Are you bleeding?" I shook my head, still not wanting to look at his face. He motioned his body towards me slightly and lifted my pajama sleeve up, there was a cut, probably from where i had bashed it on the door frame at Carstons' last night.

"Carston, you've ate your breakfast we're leaving." Carston gave his father a look of anguish. What was up with him? "Thankyou for having us Linda" he directed at my mum.

I waited before i heard the final slam of our fron door ad then i asked my mum a very important question. "Mum are you...erm are you seeing Sam?" My mother turned round shocked at what i had just asked.

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