Goodbyes, something "B" was getting good at.

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"Mum you do realize if i come home and you and Carstons dad have turned our house into a brothel, i'm slowly going to kill you both right?" i smiled at her.

"And why would we do that?"

"Pfft, i know you are sleeping together, i'm 16 not 6." reminding her my age was something i hadn't done since i left Pheonix. Guess it was the Pheonix air.

I squeezed her tight, and whispered in her ear. "Don't miss me too much" she let out a small giggle.

"Then don't be gone to long." She replied.

"Mum i need this, i need to be with Lee i need her. I'm not going to be gone too long, just as long as it takes. You'll see me for Alexs' funeral anyway." I hate what i had just done, using Alexs name as if she was still here, the reality of it was the fact she wasn't.

My mum got into her car and waved us goodbye. When we were just ants in her rearview mirror i turned to look at Pam and Lee. They both smiled and we walked inside their home.


"Me *add* you *equals* shopping tomorrow! True catch up, girl style." Lee said sitting at the end of the bed with her icecream bowl. She saw the faint smile on my face. "What, did your mum cancel your credit card? It's like one of your fave activitys?!"

''It is and she hasn't, it's just...I don't know i'm just being stupid. Shopping will be great i'm sure!" I smiled at her. Truth is i don't know why i wasn't looking forward to it, maybe it was the fact one of us wouldn't be there. Ever again.

Lee must've clicked on to what i was thinking about almost straight away because she put down her icecream on the floor and came and comforted me. ''When you were gone and it was just me here i got thinking alot. Alex was one of the happiest people we knew right? If we were being boring for over 5 seconds she'd of probably cut our heads off. So what makes you think she won''t be like that up there? She'd still want us to be happy, just like she'd want us to keep our wardrobes up to date. You know what she's like B.''

I knodded, Lee was right Alex was always annoyed if we weren't happy. Plus i needed a shopping trip i guess. ''I know you're right. Okay i'm in as long as you stay away from the scarf shops. It takes hours just to get you out and i kind of want to go see around Pheonix again, i've missed it!''

''But you have all the time you're here to lo-''

''No, there will be NO scarfs for you tomorrow!!'' I gave her my ''i'm not going to give in'' look.

''Fine, but then you don't go into accessory shops because you have so many already and you always end up spending half your money in there!''

Okay i had a love for necklaces,bracelets and earings what was so wrong with that? I'm a girl? It's not like i had took that much interest in stuff like that recently, the shops back home weren't exactly fashionable. Just decent enough to look nice and fit in.

''Deal, hey maybe we could get up early and have a Starbucks breakfast?'' I saw Lee glance at the time it's 8:35pm. 

''Okay maybe i should go make us some popcorn, we get out the Twilght movies and i set the alarm for 7, that was we may fall asleep early enough to actually wake?''

''Sounds like a plan, salted popcorn please!'' I reminded her

''The time i've known you, you think i don't remember your favourite flavour of popcorn? You haven't been gone years B''

''I know, it feels like it though''

''I know...I'll be back up in 10, put your jammies on''

I done as she asked, okay she made it sound like a order but she was just advising me too, Lee always seems to be giving out orders but really shes just telling people to do what she thinks best for them, e.g i'd be comfier in bed with my PJs. 

I took the Twilight boxset out of my suitcase and put the first dvd in the player grabbed the remote and crawled into the left side of Lees bed. We used to have nights like this all the time, the three of us would have such fun nights Alex in the middle of both of us kicking us to stay awake so we didn't leave her up alone. I knew tonight was going to be weird. Lee came upstairs as soon as the playscreen came on.

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