Chapter Three

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Chapter Three



 I woke up and knew it was morning. Despite my lack of sight, I was starting to find that the more I paid attention, the more my other senses seemed to come to my aid. I smelt, heard and felt what I couldn't see. I heard the birds singing outside and wished I could see the brilliant sunlight that I knew was shining due to the warmth of my skin.

I heard the curtain separating me from my neighbouring roommate and turned my head in that direction.

"Good morning, Grace!" Chirped who I recognized was Dr. Hattie.

"Morning, doctor," I smiled. I felt the familiar dip of my bed as she sat at the end and hummed as she went through my charts.

"You're looking better, the swelling on your body has gone down dramatically and your bruises are yellowing." I could sense her smile.

"That's great," I replied half-heartedly. I still had no idea where I was going to go after I was released from the hospital.

"There's a social worker coming to see you later this afternoon," Dr. Hattie said hesitantly, "...I wish I could take you in myself but unfortunately it isn't an option for me."

I smiled, "It's all right Dr. Hattie, everything will work out."

I heard the door to the room open and close as Dr. Hattie left. I closed my eyes again, bored out of my mind. Hearing the door open again, I perked up at the thought she had come back to talk for a while.

Unfortunately for me, it was someone for the man on the other side of the curtain. I had asked Hattie about him and she had informed me that he was still in a coma. I felt bad for him and his family. They obviously cared about him a lot; he never went without a visitor for long.

I heard the sound of a boy, and by the sounds of it he was Irish. I frowned when I heard him get into an argument with the woman who had been here since last night.

"But Aunt Kim-"The boy said impatiently.

"No buts, Jaxon. Your uncle would have my head if he knew I'd let you pay for that."

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