Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter Forty-Five

Present day...

My wrists were bleeding badly as I tried to jostle the door open. You would think that if I were able to get out of handcuffs, that I would be able to get a door open, but no. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

I was verging on hyperventilation again. I was sure my heart was going to give out at any second. I grabbed the tall lamp by the bed and unplugged it. I swung as hard as I could at the door and almost cried when the door let out a loud metal clang.

Of course the door was made of metal. And there was no way that I could pick the lock- it was locked from the outside.

I slowly slid down the wall, feeling hopelessness creep up on me. My vision seemed to fade and I slumped against the floor, feeling relieved when I finally lost consciousness.

Sometime later, I was made aware that I was not the only one in the room.

I could hear soft masculine humming coming from next to me.

My heart stalled in my chest as I wished more than anything that it was Jaxon beside me.

But I recognized the voice and knew who it was immediately.

I felt my hair brush to the side and warm breath on my neck, "I know you're awake Grace..." He murmured against my skin.

I repressed the shudder that nearly went through my body.

"You were a bad girl, Grace." He hummed, brushing a hand softly against my cheek.

I wanted to cringe away. I wanted to scream. And I wanted to cry.

I didn't do any of it. I stayed still, and focussed on breathing in, and breathing out.

"You tried to leave me," he purred, pressing closer to my still body.

I noticed that I wasn't bound to anything and my wrists didn't sting as badly as they did earlier.

"But I was smarter than you," I could hear satisfaction in his voice.

His hand moved to my thigh and when it went up, I couldn't pretend anymore. I sprung to my feet, swaying on my feet when I got to the other side of the room.

Had he drugged me again? It was very possible- or it could have been that I had only had a few bites of an apple in who knows how long I had been here...

He waved a finger at me tauntingly, "Ah, ah, ah..." he slowly got up from the bed.

I was sweating; I had no idea what this psycho would do to me.

Finding my voice, I stuttered on an excuse. "I needed to go to the bathroom; I didn't know you locked the door. I'm very claustrophobic and there are no windows in here. I needed water."

I was lying through my teeth; surely there was no way he would believe me at this point.

He raised an eyebrow, "You couldn't wait for me to come back?"

I shook my head weakly. I was done for.

He sighed, "I need to be able to trust you, sweets. And I can't do that if it mysteriously looks like you've been trying to escape, you know?"

He paused, looking at me with a creepy smile on his face.

"But we have lots of time to get to know each other. No one is looking for you."

I knew that wasn't true, but it didn't stop the painful lurch my heart gave at his words.

"H-how long have I been here?" I asked the question that had plagued me since I had woken up in this strange house to begin with.

His eyes darkened. "You've been here for a week now."

My face paled, I had been here a week? And I still hadn't been found?

"How is that possible...? I can only remember two days..." I said, mostly to myself.

He grinned at me, "Oh, I have these cool drugs. Pharmaceuticals. They make you sleep for however long I want... real hospital grade stuff. It's the only way I can get close to you."

And that was all I could take before I threw up on his shoes.

Once he had stopped his long stream of swear words, Tristan stopped and stared at me in disgust.

"You really had better get control over that stomach of yours." He threatened darkly. I felt goose bumps cover my body with the soulless look he was giving me.

If I had thought demons didn't exist before, I definitely believed they did now. And Tristan was the devil.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered, my eyes filling up with tears.

I was done trying to pretend he didn't affect me. Maybe he would somehow show some compassion and set me free.

He seemed to look at me for a moment before he broke out in hysterical laughter. Yeah, I wasn't going to see any compassion from this freak.

I glared at him through my lashes and my tears, vowing to make him pay for taking me away from the people that I loved.

When he finally quieted down he sobered up and looked at me in the eyes. I met his look of calmness with a deadly calm of my own.

He was not going to win this.

"Well, as I'm sure I explained to you before, I was tired of being left behind by people. First, my parents, and then you, and just when I thought we were getting along so well..." He leaned down close to my face and tucked a hair behind my ear.

I held my breath and leaned back from him in disgust. He must have seen it because suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed a fistful of my hair.

I cried out in pain as he brought my face close to his.

"The faster you accept that we're going to be together, the more at home you'll feel." He sneered.

Maybe I was looking at this the wrong way. Maybe the only way that I would have a chance at getting away was to pretend that I really was in love with him.

I sighed, "You're right, honey." I nearly upchucked again at the thought, "I'm just really insecure. I've had my heart broken and I just didn't feel ready to trust any other guys. But I see now that you're different."

I tried not to let my mind wander to Jax; right now I really needed a clear head.

He stared at me for what felt like eternity before he finally broke out into a giant smile.

I tried not to roll my eyes, I was certain that if I didn't get away soon, I wouldn't be getting away at all.

"I forgive you for your behaviour, but the next time that you misbehave I'm going to have to punish you." He smirked at me.

I stared at the ground, praying that someone would find me.


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