Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

When I woke up, I opened my eyes groggily. There wasn't much light and I had to wait for my vision to adjust. I tried to sit up but was stopped when I realized I was handcuffed to a bed.

"Well look who finally opened her pretty eyes." A soft voice mumbled to my right.

I jumped in surprise, still under the effects of whatever he had given me.

I blinked slowly, trying to speak but no words came out.

Tristan was nestled close to my side and he ran his hands over my face lovingly.

My eyes widened and I forced myself to calm down, I had to be smart about this, I had no idea where I was or what Tristan was capable of.

"W-what are you doing?" I finally found the ability to speak.

"We're finally together," He mumbled happily, "ever since you left I knew you were the one I was meant to be with. We went through the same thing... both our families killed in a car accident... its fate." He said simply.

"Where am I?" I demanded.

"Oh, we're at my estate, it turns out my parents had some money in a trust fund for me when I turned eighteen- the same time I was finally released from my prison and that vile woman's hands."

"Where is your estate?" I croaked, hoping to get a sense of where I was so that I could escape if I managed to get out of the handcuffs.

He chuckled lowly, "now, now, Grace. We have plenty of time for your questions later."

I grimaced and he glowered at my expression. "You had better get used to this, sweet pea."

I shivered in revulsion as he raked his eyes over my chest.

"Why are you doing this Tristan?" I asked angrily, trying to keep my voice from rising. I didn't want to make him upset to the point he hurt me.

He smiled at me adoringly, "When I saw you in the magazines, I thought it was so ironic that you made it out of the foster system without a scratch. It was like your other life had been completely wiped away- you were living a whole other life."

I stared at him, too disturbed to speak.

He continued, "I didn't think it was fair that you could just forget about everything that happened," He stoked my cheek affectionately, "so I figured I would remind you about what you left behind."

I didn't know how to respond, so I sat there dumbfounded.

"Didn't you miss me?" He purred, grasping my hand tightly.

I nodded shakily, my eyes darting around the room for some sort of weapon I could use against him.

He laughed as he seemed to understand what I was searching for.

"Don't worry, babe. I've got it covered," He winked. His hand moved to his waistband and he pulled out a pistol slowly, letting the light glint off the deadly metal.

I jerked back with a panicked scream, "Why do you have a gun?"

He rolled his eyes, "Well, I've finally got you here. I can't let anyone take you away from me now, can I?" He kissed me behind my ear and I gagged.

His eyes narrowed at my reaction, "You'd better get used to this Grace, we're soul mates."

Oh my god, he's absolutely insane! I'm never going to get away!

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