Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen



 I sat up in my bed glumly, waiting for Will, my social worker to come back with my release papers. I hadn't talked to Aunt Kim, Jaxon or even Pete since they left last night. I had asked if my nurse could get a message to them but she said she was really busy and would if she found the time.

Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper. I wanted to be able to say goodbye to them, even give them the number of the group home I'd be staying at. I didn't want to lose touch with them.

I shook my head. I needed to stop being so selfish. Pete woke up yesterday and they got their miracle. They had every right to spend their day together elsewhere.

I heard the door open and I let myself hope that it would be Jax.

Instead, Will's deep monotone voice filled the room. "We're ready to go now Grace. You've been released."

I had changed into some of the clothes they had brought me from my belongings back in Vancouver.

I nodded without speaking. I was afraid my voice would betray me and expose the sadness I was feeling.

Dr. Hattie came in to say goodbye and promised to keep in touch. I thanked her for everything she had done for me and gave her a big hug. I could feel the tears in my eyes and wished that I could see the face of the woman who had helped keep me sane.

I walked down the hallway with my arm holding Will's elbow.

"We'll have to get you a white cane for you to walk with." Will muttered.

"A white cane?" I questioned him.

We had stepped out of the hospital now, and for the first time in weeks I felt the sun on my skin. It felt like freedom, but it also felt like change- and it was scary.

"It's a cane that blind people walk with. It lets other people know you can't see." He answered distractedly. I heard him clicking on his phone.

"Oh... okay. Did you ever give Dr. Hattie the business card like you said you would?" I asked him.

"Hmm? Oh, right uh... yeah." He said. I didn't have to be blind to know that he wasn't paying attention to me.

"I'd rather have a seeing-eye dog." I said with an edge to my voice. I was tired of being ignored.

The clicking stopped and he said, "Oh, okay. I'll be sure to work on that for you. It'd be nice for you to have someone with you all the time."

"Thanks." I answered mildly.

We stopped and Will opened the car door for me. He helped me into the passenger seat and closed the door. He got into the driver's seat and we began our trip to my new home. Whether I liked it or not, more drastic changes were coming.

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