Chapter 98 Giant Stone Statue

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One month later.

Both the royal palace and the royal city were busy and crowded.

Before the erection of the queen, the high priest would open the temples of the gods, hire square sailing boats, decorate the statues majestically and beautifully, and then carry them onto the big boats for the Egyptian people to pay their respects.

That was a rare opportunity to meet the gods.

In order to pray for blessings, the Egyptians started preparations a month ago.

Wisely, merchants seized the business opportunities and enthusiastically came up with many new designs and hand-folded lotus flowers to attract customers. Clothing stores and lighting shops were crowded with people every day, and the customer flow was huge.

And the major city lords who received the impending edict of the Pharaoh, as well as envoys from various countries poured into the royal city one after another, so the defense of the royal city was increased several times.

Envoys from other countries will enter the palace to meet the pharaoh, and the city lords also need to arrange people to entertain them.

Even Jofar was too busy to go back to the bedroom, let alone the great priest who was in charge of the process of ceremonial sacrifices and reception of envoys.

The few times Bess saw Nephes, she felt that although she kept smiling, her face clearly had the words "no love in life" written on her face, and she always walked with a wave.

The maids and ladies who used to play with it every day, feed it meat and milk, were too busy to look at the cat. They were either holding high piles of white gauze or piles of relief sculptures in their hands. The gold utensils, probably used to hold wine and food at the celebration.

Everyone is busy.

Only cats are idle.

After all, what can you do with a cat?

Like the princess who was about to become a queen, summoning the wives and ladies of various nobles to win over teammates? Or cover your body with gauze smeared with aloe vera and essential oils, in order to overwhelm the crowd at the ceremony, amaze the pharaoh, and stabilize your favor?

For the former, before the noble lady approached the black cat, a certain pharaoh might be jealous and draw up a kill list.

In the latter case, Bass collapsed: Let me fall out of favor, damn, the bastard dog is pulling my tail when I sleep now!

Originally, he had to take Bess with him when he went to court recently, but after receiving the envoys, Jofar locked Bess in the palace.

"Why, who said he would always take me with him?!"

"I'm not happy when they keep looking at you."


You are awesome.

In Heituotuo's eyes, he was extremely incomparable and super invincible-the unreasonable man walked away with a straight face, leaving the black cat scratching the wall at his back.

After finally sneaking out, Bes squatted on the wall of the Egyptian palace and once again smelled the fragrance of the sand from three thousand years ago.

There is melancholy in my heart.

Uncle Meow: Oh, I want to lick the jujube.

I think back then, it was here that I became associated with the psychopath in my family. If I had known that he was a pervert with such a strange brain circuit, I should not have eaten his dried fish back then.

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