Chapter 2: Ball

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"Have you seen the new boy?" My best friend, Lilly, squeals as we sit at our usual lunch table

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"Have you seen the new boy?" My best friend, Lilly, squeals as we sit at our usual lunch table.

"He's cute." I smile at the thought of the brunette boy with blue glasses.

"Apparently he doesn't talk like ever."

"Don't feed into the bull shit, Lil." I take a mouthful of my mashed potato.

"Everyone is saying he's like super tall."

"Does no one have anything better to do than talk about him?" I frown.

"Jeeze, no need to get upset."

"I'm not upset, i'm just saying. He's probably nervous and everyone talking doesn't help."

"I'm sure he's fine."

I look past her and see as Henry walks into the cafeteria.

He looks so lost. So out of it.

"Hey bitch." My new step brother Oakley ruffles my hair as they all take a seat at our table.

"Hi Oakley." I laugh.

My mother and his father recently got into a relationship and things seem to be going well. I'm glad my mum is finally happy.

My step brothers friend Hayden frowns at Oakley as he flirts with Cora, Hayden's sister.

"The new boys cute." Eva says starting conversation.

Her boyfriend Arlo frowns, "Not as cute as me."

We all laugh to ourselves.

"He is cute." I say.

"Someone's got a crush." Coen pokes my cheek.

"I do not have a crush, we've spoken twice." I glare.

Arlo laughs, "He plays basketball but won't join the team."

"That's odd." Hayden says.

All of us shift our eyes to Henry as he sits alone at a table listening to music and reading.

He hasn't even touched his food.

"He doesn't look like the basketball type." Coen said.

"He looks like a nerd." Lily shrugs.

"Don't be mean." I glare at my friend.

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