Snowdin And... New House

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*Y/n's P.O.V.*

We finally reach snowdin, well, finally isn't a thing that describes the situation... It makes it look like it's a beautiful place, and indeed it is, but the people are still aggressive.

Alright, listen here, act natural, and one thing you have to do is: DON'T. LOOK. SUS.

Frisk: okok i get it, we don't have to be hasty because it'd look weird?

Yeah, specifically, you'd look weirder than usual, people here haven't seen a human in years, so you can use that to your advantage, however, don't act all nice and good, and if needed, mock me, i won't mind, so long as you don't end up looking weird

Frisk: b-but i don't want to hurt you or mock you... I mean, i get that your best friend does it, but i mean, you've both known eachother your whole lives, while you and i... Just met.

*i sigh* alright, you don't have to mock me, just, make sure not to be all nice and friendly, that's good enough, just don't smile, or if you feel like to, do it in an intimidating way, eheh *i smirk, showing her a slight example of an "intimidating smile", even if i don't put much effort to not scare her, even if i don't get why should i care*

We keep walking for a nice while more, we see the entirety of the city: the hotel, the shop with different armors and weapons to be sold (obviously at an unfairly high price for new people, but many don't fall for those prices) and we even pass in front of my best friend's house! It is a wooden house with a chimney and 2 floors, there is a second room where there can be guests, which means only me since I'm the only one with a friendly connection to geremy, and a kitchen he hates because usually, i don't even know how, from the oven sometimes comes out a black dog... Weird.

Frisk: so, this is snowdin city, huh...? It's way more lively than i expected it to be, honestly i thought it'd be more...

I interrupt her, expecting this reaction to the liveliness of the city

Serious? Dark? Well, this city is one of the very few place where you can afford, atleast for a while, to rest easy from your duties as a guard or, generally speaking, refrain from fighting.

The snow, the Christmas tree, even grillby's bar, every place is done appositely for the only purpose of relaxing, for once.

Frisk looks at me with a raised eyebrow when i mention "grillby's"

Frisk: grillby's? What's that place?

Mmh... I forgot you didn't know about it, i mentioned it so lightly because i got carried away... Alright, here, let's go to grillby's, you shluld have enough G's to buy something *i point my finger to her Pocket*

Frisk: what do you mean? I never got any Gs or whatever they a-

As she puts her hand in her jacket's pocket, well, the jacket i gave her, since mid way i also gave her a jacket to cover up even better, she notices there is quite the amount of Gs

Frisk: why is there so many? are these yours? But they weren't there first.

Nope, you had them but i moved them into the jacket i gave you.

Frisk: huh... Weird... Well, fine, where is this grillby's bar?

I Point the bar besides us and chuckle

Frisk: o-oh, i didn't notice, sorry...

She blushes a bit due to how embarrassed she is

Don't worry, it's fine, let's go then.

We enter the bar and there are many different types of them, from the dog guards, which are different one another, to the icecaps and snowdrakes, totally different monsters, each with scars or not, or some with piercings, as frisk should've had understood by now, looking tough is a must down here, well, except for me, eh

Earthfell (Female frisk x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now