Chapter 26: Worst Nightmares (Part 2)

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**Trigger warning**
Also want to thank Elanabear09 for this chapter idea**

Alex wasn't breathing.

Minho shook her shoulders, panic flooding his system.


Felix didn't wait and he took off sprinting down the path towards the Kitchen area.

Minho layed Alex onto the ground and did his best to keep her breathing. Captain Ronin had taught them all first aid. He punched her nose, tilted her head back and pushed all his air into her lungs. He could see her chest moving, but she wouldn't breath on her own. It seemed like forever, he was alone with an unconscious non breathing Alex. Maybe, just maybe he saw her chest rise a little...

The door behind him banged open and he was pushed aside. Brenda knelt down beside Alex's limp body.

Newt, Simon, Sonya and Felix came sprinting in as well.

"What the bloody hell happened?!" Newt yelled.

Brenda was doing a quick assessment.

"I don't know! Everything here was deserted and dark. I heard screaming, the door was locked. Felix had to override the system! She had it programmed to simulate her worst fears! I don't know what happened!" Minho wailed, still in panic mode.

He couldn't lose her! They left all those fears behind! They were safe here! None of those fears could happen here! Why would she do that to herself? They left that terrible world behind! They were healing and recovering. Her nightmares were becoming less! Why...why would she do this?

"She passed out from fear and panic!" Brenda finally said.

She had pulled an oxygen tube and a small portable canister out of the emergency med bag the training area kept on hand. She slipped it over Alex's head and secured it around her ears, turning the oxygen level up.

"Min. You did good. You got her breathing. She's okay. Just unconsious. She's okay." Brenda said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

Minho took a shaking breath. He ran a trembling hand through his hair. He leaned back on his hands, trying to calm down his racing heart. Sonya knelt down beside him and pulled him into a tight hug, he wrapped his arms around his sister in law.

"She's okay. She'll be okay Min. You did a good job." She reasured him quietly, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I can't loose her!" He whispered.

"You won't. She's okay." She whispered gently.

"I can't see any other physical injuries. Her brain couldn't keep up with her shallow breathing, there wasn't enough oxygen. And her heart was pumping too fast. Her fight or flight system over did it." Brenda said, as she finished doing a more detailed assessment.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It was quiet for a moment.

"We should move her, the cement floor can't be bloody comfortable!" Newt suggested, crouching down, brushing some hair out of his sister's face.

Minho got up and slid a hand under her knees and under her back. He picked her up, careful of her tube. He carried her to the door. Simon opened it for them. Minho stepped outside into the sunshine. Alex twitched making Minho freeze. Alex gasped and her eyes shot open. She gasped again. Minho could see the pure raw terror in her eyes.

"Hey! Hey's okay. Your okay." Minho said gently.

Alex let out a wild screamed, and flung herself out of Minho's arms. She hit the ground, tangled in her oxygen tube. She wouldn't stop screaming. The others scrambled outside.

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