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If I disappear, will anyone look for me? Will anyone miss me? I asked my friend this question, he said that people will miss me. I asked him who will miss me.

He never replied.

But, that is just my point. Whenever I ask someone that question, they can never think of a person who will miss me. I know why...

If I disappear... nobody... will miss me.

I just wish that there is someone out there who cares enough about me who will be there for me no matter what. I know I'm asking for a lot. But, I came from a broken family and having no friends. I just need someone now.

And... people always tell me that they have always been my friend. That I can talk to them when I need them.

But, want to know who else said that?


And now... she hates me.

It is summer now. So, I have to some how figure out a way to survive this.

I am trapped in this little bubble of fear and insecurities...

I need saving...

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