{¥} 01 - Snowfall {¥}

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They say everybody was born equally

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They say everybody was born equally.

Made with a purpose chosen by some higher being.

'Was that really true?'

You couldn't help but wonder, question seeming to echo within the vast emptiness of your mind.

'What's my purpose? Why am I here?'

You begged for an answer.

Pleaded for a sign of some kind to tell you what to do with yourself.

But you received no answer.

So there you stood, alone; purposeless.

Winter had crept up on you at some point during your mindless wandering, blanketing the earth in a veil of sparkling white that reached your knees. Even with such a generous amount already given, the sky continued to produce more.

It fell around you silently, landing in your hair and dampening your thin clothing. You couldn't feel the bite of the winter air, but your body still felt cold within.

You haven't moved from your spot in a few hours, simply too enraptured with staring up at the sky.

Even the clouds had more purpose than you, it seemed.

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