After a minute,

I bring a towel and followed her in the bathroom to tell him the geysar tap and all.

Monami : which one is for hot water?

She enquired while caressing her hairs softly with her left hand she is feeling cold I can guess it.

But I am getting hot here, seeing her I was dumbfound and staring at her boobs cleavage ; and I am literally, out of my senses.

She asked again with a somehow increased pitch in her voice.

Monami : karan, where are you lost?

Karan : Y-Yes, sorry, yeah this one is the hot shower.

Monami : okay thanks.

Karan : do you want anymore help? (I am trying to stay for little long here)

Monami : no I can take a bathe myself my friend. (She took the last statement as flirt and retorted positively teasing)

Karan : I didn't mean that....

Before I could complete my sentence, she rushed past me leaving a sensational perfume aroma.

While passing, the softest thing in the whole universe brushed my right shoulder slightly- obviously, it was her killingg breast!

She was taking a shampoo behind me.

Monami : sorry.

I feel like she did it intentionally to tease me the fullest.

Karan : it's okay, you take a shower till then I make a tea for you?

Monami : coffee please.

Karan : okay.

Karan came out from bathroom and she shut the door of bathroom, he didn't heard any sound of locking the door.

His heart beat increase but he went to kitchen to make a coffee for her.

When he got a call from his mother.

His mom : hello

Karan : yeah mom.

His mom : monami reached home?

Karan : yups.

His mom : okay, tell her that we will be there after 2 hours, so she can take rest till then, and Karan please take care of her, she is our guest.

Karan : don't worry mom. I will take care of her.

Stay tuned

My Hot Guest - MoRan (ZDMN) Where stories live. Discover now