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Karan POV

I looked at the Bomb Monami for a second or so; our eyes met momentarily.

Monami : is this dress looking good on me?

I nodded in affirmation; and the dainty gave her alluring peurile smile.

We all smiled.

His mom : I guess you two become friends already?

Monami : we were friends already aunty, Right Karan?

Karan : yes

His mom : good.

Karan : by the way it's so good to meet you aunty after really so long.

Malini aunty : same here beta.

His mom : Karan bring aunt's bag to your room and clean your room for two days aunty and Monami will stay here. (She said happily)

Karan : oh okay mom. (He is happy too)

He bring bags into his room and came out the whole day passed away happily having old time convo of their mothers but they are getting bored in middle.

Both monami and Karan are exchanging smiles when ever they are looking into each other's eyes.

They are feeling connected today more than before.

The day passed,

It's time for dinner, his mother went to prepare dinner, Monami ask to help aunty but his mother called Karan. And ask monami to enjoy and feel relax here.

His mom : Karan, I and Malini will sleep in my room, and let Monami sleeps in your room for two days.

Karan : but mom where will I sleep then?

His mom : you have to adjust on couch for two days my son I am sorry but we have no other options.

Karan : no Mom! I won’t sleep over the couch, you very well know that I don’t find it comfortable even slightly on couch.

Karan complained to his mother in the kitchen.

Karan : I am sorry mom it's really impossible for me to adjust on sofa please try to understand.

His mom : so what do you want me to do?

Stay tuned.

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