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I waited in the airport for my mother and daughter. Its been an hour and they should be walking down the steps any second. Colson came for the pick up but stayed in the car. He didn't want Ava surrounded by cameras. I felt bad about eariler, I wanted to know what happened with him and Megan but it also wasn't my business. Growing up, Colson was always quiet when it came to his family life or struggles. When his dad kicked him out I always questioned why he was still strong and a busy body,unlike me who cried over anything.


I looked up to see Ava let go of my mom's hand as she ran down the long hallway. I knelt down and opened my arms as I looked up to see my mom waving. I knew she wanted to leave, I just thought maybe I'd get a hug or something.

"Hi baby". I smiled as I picked up my daughter.

"Everything here is big". She giggled and i put her down.

"I know but I have a big surprise for you". I said as I took her two bags off the belt.

"I love surprises". Ava smiled as she held my hand.

We walked out of the airport and I stopped her infront of the car door.

"Who do you like more othen than mommy somedays"? I asked.

"Mgk". She giggled as she showed me her shirt.

I bought her so many shirts after I heard about him, listened to all of his music and everything else for this little girl.

"And what's your favorite song"? I asked.

"Valentine". She giggled.

I smiled and opened the car door to help her in. I noticed they had put a car seat in for her. As I put her in the seat she screamed out as Colson sat across from her. Both of their laughter filled the car.

"Mommy it's Machine Gun Kelly". She pointed and I nodded.

Once I strapped her in I quickly got in myself and shut the door.

"Ava say hi to Colson". I smiled.

The shy little girl gave the outgoing man a smile. He leaned over and grabbed a small thing of flowers that sat next to him and unclipped himself from the seatbelt.

"Its very nice to meet you Ava". Colson smiled and handed my daughter the flowers.

She turned to me and giggled. "Look how pretty".

"Words right out of my mouth. She's your mini me". Colson chuckled.

I looked down at my child and then back to Colson. I gave him a smile and leaned back once the car started and drove off. Both Ava and Colson talked like they were long lost friends, making me feel better about the situation.


We got back to the hotel a few hours later, after ice cream and a walk around the park. The best thing about Colson being back home, we had no paparazzi here to bother us, no wonder why he came back all the time.

"I don't know about you two but I'm tired out". Colson smiled.

Ava stopped and turned to Colson as she held her hands up for him, basically asking if he can pick her up. He gave her a smile and he did what she asked, seconds later a big smile was on her face as she looked around with her new height.

"How's the weather up there"? I asked as she looked down and gave me a thumbs up.

"You know, we have a lot of catching up to do". Colson said as his neck turned slightly to look at me.

"Like what"? I asked.

We walked into the hotel and walked over to the elevator, I now see a half sleeping child on his shoulder.

"Come have a drink with me. We can ask Ashley to watch her. She's staying in the hotel tonight anyways". He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh. I don't know. My boss would kill me if I left the kid to go get drunk". I laughed. "I'm not allowed to talk to you unless it's about work, remember"?

Colsons laughed filled the elevator. "Not to get drunk, just to catch up. Plus, this is work related". He smiled.

"How? I'm in charge of your insurance papers and get you coffee. I'm basically your assistant". I laughed.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about". He whispered now.

As the doors opened we stepped out but stopped. Megan stood there, leaning against the door to Colson's room. She didn't look happy.

"Hey babe". Colson spoke as he handed me a sleeping Ava.

"I've called all afternoon. Nobody got back to me. Where the hell were you"? She asked.

"Oh. Um, Emmy and I stopped for ice cream with her daughter Ava. She's such a cutie babe, you'll have to''-

"Get inside Colson". She sighed and looked over at me.

Colson felt embarrassed, you can tell. With a sigh he nodded and walked over to his room and unlocked it as they both walked in. I just hope I didn't ruin anything.

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