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After the nurse left, putting me in a sling I got a call from Brian that he was getting Chris for me. After I told Chris what happened he got mad that he was going to explore around LA without me. I don't know what he expected me to do. We aren't together, I can't hold his hand whenever he wants me to.

Ashley took Ava with her to get some lunch, Colson was watching me and I did nothing. When Colson walked in with room service I sighed.

"I don't need to stay in bed". I sighed.

He nodded. "Yes you do. You have bruises all over your body, you can't turn your neck and Judy just put your shoulder in place. I wouldn't want to move". He said and opened the yogurt, smelling it before handing it to me.

"You have things to do". I said.

He shook his head. "I don't actually. You have stuff to sign but Brian said he would do it with you later. You just need to rest". He said and picked up a spoon.

"Dont feed me". I laughed.

He looked down at the spoonful of yogurt and smirked.

"I'm definitely feeding you". He laughed.

The noise he made as he brought the spoon to my lips made me laugh out loud. I loved playful Colson.

"Well I'm bored. Let me have this". He chuckled.

I opened my mouth so he could feed me the yogurt and he pulled the spoon away, setting it back down on the tray. He reached for the strawberries and then the fork. As he took one he put it infront of my lips, only to drop it on my chest.

"Oh gosh. Look what I did". He said and set the fork down.

I laughed out again as he leaned over to pick the cut up piece of strawberry up with his mouth and then hovered infront of me as his lips touched mine.

Yup, playful Colson was my favorite.

I kissed back in seconds but he pulled away. When he moved the tray he pulled me up so he could continue the kiss. When he started to unzip his hoodie we heard the front door open. He sighed and pulled away before they walked in.

"Mommy"! Ava yelled as she ran in the room.

"Hi baby". I smiled.

"Are you still hurt"? She asked.

I nodded and with my good arm I handed her the cake off the tray. The cake that would get me in trouble if I continued with Colson dropping food on me.

"Daddy is here. He's taking me to dinner". The little girl smiled.

I'm happy that Chris offered to take her tonight. Even after he complained but when he walked in, making eye contact with Colson I cringed.

"How ya feeling"? He asked.

"Sore. The nurse told me I have to stay off my feet for the night. I have some bad bruising on my leg and hip".

He nodded. "Want me to bring you any food back"? He asked, still looking  at Colson.

I shook my head. "No. I'm probably going to sleep". I said.

He nodded and picked up Ava. She wiped her mouth from cake and turned to Colson. He gave her a smile.

"Okay, well I'll see ya after dinner.i wanna take her to the beach fair before it."

It was like he was asking me if he could. I didn't care what he did with her here, it's his daughter.

"That's fine. She loves the one bear game there. She'll probably have you out of money before you get to any other game". I laughed.

He nodded. "Yeah".

Once I gave my goodbye kiss to Ava they left. Leaving Colson and I alone again.

"He asked me to go, I said no". He spoke.

"Why"? I asked.

He chuckled and sat down next to me.

"Because I had plans". He smirked and laid back, his hands behind his head.

It was only five. I was tired and bored and I knew for a fact Colson was bored. Tomorrow he had a show so with him missing rehearsal was not good.

"You can go. You don't have to watch me". I sighed.

He shook his head. "I honestly don't mind. I have nothing else to do". He said and grabbed something from his pocket.

His little red bag that held his weed.

"I talked to Judy, she said if you're in pain you can take one hit of this". He said and started to make a joint.

"I might take that option." I sighed.

"What hurts"? He asked.

I looked down at my body then back to him.

"All of me". I sighed.

He nodded and sat up, walking over to my side of the bed and helped me stand up. I winced as I put weight on myself, feeling my shoulder throb. When he walked me out of the room and to the patio outside. He sat next to me and proceeded to roll the joint.

"So. We're you lying eariler? Did you see everything"? I asked.

He chuckled to himself, bringing the joint to his lips, using his tounge to glue the paper together.

"How mad would you be"? He asked.

I shook my head. "I'm not".

He nodded. He leaned over the table so his elbows rested on his knees.

"Let's just say I had to control myself when I helped put your pants and underwear on, but I didnt look. I wouldn't do that to you". He whispered.

I gave him a smile.

"But the breasts. Now I looked then". He smirked and lit the end of the joint.

I rolled my eyes and watched him inhale the smoke, shutting his eyes and holding it in. When he passed it to me I took a quick inhale, letting the smoke flow through me. When I exhaled the coughing came instantly.

I gave him a smile as covered my mouth. He smirked and took another hit before handing it back to me. This had bad written all over it.

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