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Colson sat across from me in that small room for a solid three minutes before either one of us spoke. What was so important that he needed to talk to me about? Did I do something?

"I talked to Megan this morning." He spoke softly.

"About what"? I asked.

He shook his head. Trying to find a way to put words was hard, especially for me. This wasn't just a conversation between us, this was a problem between us. The tension was killing me. He didn't look happy at all.

"Did you know that she slept with Nick"? He finally asked. "And went on a date with her ex husband the night we got to Cleveland"?

The pain in his voice made it harder for me to respond. Knowing that situation he feels hurt because of me. I caused that frown.

"Not the whole situation. Olivia knew before I knew and I no, I didn't I know about the ex husband thing".

He nodded and stood up. The room was already small enough, his pacing didn't help.  He looked at me again and chuckled to himself.

"So everyone knew except for me"? He asked.

I kept my mouth shut. I can't be the only one he asked.  I just can't be.

"If you don't remember, I'm late to this party here. I didn't know until Oliva mentioned it to me".

He shook his head. "No. Because I believe you witnessed them, didn't you"? He asked. This time anger rose to the surface of his face.

"Listen. It wasn't my place to tell you. I couldn't". I whispered.

He shook his head. "You could have. I was cheated on, all of my friends kept that from me".

"And you didn't cheat on her? You kissed me, remember". I said.

He shook his head. "I kissed you for other reasons, thats not what we're talking about". He hissed.

"What other possible reason did you have that you kissed me then? For fun? I don't think that was funny".

I stepped closer but he backed away.

"Dont do that. Don't get big with me when I'm mad. That's not the best choice". He said.

His height towered me, making me feel useless in the situation. I was wrong not to tell him, but I wasn't the only one who knew.

"I don't care. I fought bigger issues before. I do this to stand up for myself Colson. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I wasn't the only one. Your girlfriend cheated but so did you". I spat.

He nodded and stepped closer. I backed up against the wall of the dressing room as his arms trapped me there. I was stuck between Colson and a hard place. He looked down at me and bit his lip.

"I know you weren't the only one who knew. I just wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, which you did". He whispered. "Just like in highschool and you never changed".

His hand reached for the tag of the dress and looked down.

"You can find something better". He spoke.

His hand traced the silk material, going all the way to my back and pulling me into him. He gave me a smirk and in seconds he got the tag removed from my bra clasp.

"I'll be in the car".

I held my breath as he walked back over to the door and walked out. I'm definitely getting fired for this.


"Lonley, lonely, lonely when the room is full"

Colson sang the acoustic song infront of thousands tonight, making his dreams finally come to a reality. The MTV music awards was something big for him, he wanted to make the big step and he finally did.

"So, I guess this is goodbye"? Ashley spoke as she grabbed my hand. "You told Brian you were leaving".

I gave her a nod, trying not to talk about it. Everyone may have known about Megan but nobody knew about Colson and I and I planned to keep it that way. I didn't care about how I would be treated.

"I think it's best". I smiled.

She gave me a pout and wrapped her arm around mine.

"I'm gonna miss having you around. I liked finally having a girl around who liked me". She sighed.

"We'll keep in touch for sure". I said and turned to her.

She gave me a hug and quickly let go, wiping her eyes.

"I'll call you". She giggled and quickly ran off

I turned back to the stage to hear the last part of the song. Not once did he look over at me, not like he used to. He was definitely hurt and I caused it. I slowly turned my direction over to Reed as he nudged his head over for me. I walked over and smiled.

"Gonna miss you around here. You were the calm one". He laughed.

"I'll miss you too. Please keep him safe".

Reed nodded and I quickly have him a hug before he caught on. He hated hugs.

As I walked off that night I couldn't help but feel horrible about all of this. The pain I caused a friend because I didn't want to get involved. Colson was right, I was still stuck in a highschool phase, keeping secrets and making drama. Those weren't the exact words but I understood what was between the lines. I knew he wasn't looking so I need to make my exit small.

Maybe we'll run into one another again, but for now I needed to give him space.

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