Sierra's Ex On The Phone

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I had just left the table when Pauly took his shower,i went into the living room and the phone was ringing I answer it I say "hello?" A voice says "hi I'm looking for Sierra?" I answer back "speaking who is calling?" And you'll never believe who it was,it was my ex boyfriend SEAN! Pauly got out of the shower and he didn't know where I was so he looked for me and sat next to me in the bean bag chair he asked me "hey baby whose on the phone?" "My ex boyfriend ew." I replied "baby please I want you back I miss you I think about you everyday my mind is racing my heart is beating for you baby please come back to me!! I hope I'm not too late!!! Please!" Sean says "no I don't want to be back with your dumbass you were a sorry excuse of a boyfriend you shouldn't have done what you did I fucking hate you,you promised you wouldn't break my heart or hurt me well you're too late I'm in New Jersey and with my new boyfriend!! And he's wayyyyy better than you so you can kiss my sorry ass good fucking bye!!!!" I yelled back at him. "Damn baby come here!" As Pauly sees me I start crying and picks me up and carries me back to our room and were laying together cuddling with each other kissing etc. we take a nap together we wake up it's almost 9:00pm so we wake up,i take a shower and as soon as I'm done with my shower Pauly picks out an amazing outfit for me to wear to Karma tonight.

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