Chapter 1 👼

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??? Pov
The ground was cold that sent a chill up my spine yet I continued making my way up the hill. It was hard and my mind was full of worry as well as some doubt.

I was unable to see what was up ahead of me. I only had the moonlight but the other thing that worried me was the feeling of someone watching me.

However I have already come this far to turn back. I kept telling myself it was for my baby sister and needed to make things right so that way everything can go back to normal.

Mom would stop crying and father would no longer look at me with so much hate. We can finally go back to being a happy family. I would also have my baby sister the only person that truly loved me but being young, dumb did not notice.

Small bits of tears  began to fall down my cheek but I harshly wiped them away while hugging tightly to a small urn.

It was the size of a football and it was light pink, her favorite color with her name craving in gold cursive. It honestly was hard to sneak it out of the house cause mom kept close to her side.

However I sneak a wine bottle and other liquor that mom couldn't help herself to give in. The temptation to drink  to help numbs the pain of losing her baby.

Dad is probably going to get mad at her for drinking but I couldn't miss this chance as I continue to slowly watch deeper into the woods with my baby sister's ashes. I felt my heart beating and sensed someone watching me getting stronger as I made my way to clear the area.

Many would call me  foolish for trusting a stranger but they promise a way to bring  my baby sister back to life. However, they weren't human. Yet I didn't care and agreed to the deal with a devil himself. 

I was desperate to fix my mistake. While I had some doubt, I cautiously made my way to the spot.

There stood a woman whose appearance was not human but held an black book with an odd symbol. A woman began walking toward me that I couldn't help but start to shake.

Her appearance was so frightening as her black razor claws that look like they cut flesh. Her stare made me feel weak, making me glance down to avoid her gaze. That's when I caught sight of her thigh that had a mouth of pointed teeth.

My heart began beating but I tried breathing to calm myself and remind myself that this wasn't the time to be freaking out as I scramble to take my bag.

While she stood there with one of her hands out as I handed her a human heart that was wrapped with a white cloth. Sadly the once white cloth was now covered in blood as I watched her in silence . She then gestured toward the urn which made me become defensive and held on tightly.

This seemed to anger her as she was about to say something but stopped mid sentence then turned around completely ignoring me.

She gestured for me to follow and made me stand in one spot while she grabbed a stick. I didn't dare to say anything and tried not to move.

This unknown woman began drawing something in the dirt and would glance up to the sky a couple of times. I didn't dare to look up but the surrounding area slowly began to change.

But my phone went off which gave me a heart attack as I hurriedly fish it out of my bag. The woman was pissed and growled at me but didn't stop what she was doing.

While I fumble , turn it off and shove the phone in my back pocket.

"They must have finally noticed that the urn was gone" is what I thought since they don't really care about me.

I took a deep breath in and let out a big sigh. Just a little longer and everything would go back to normal.

When I regained my composure was when I noticed that girl staring at me and she was holding that creepy book in her hand.

I'm just going to start nodding my head to gesture that I'm ready.

She didn't waste any time and began to speak in a weird language and just like that everything began to change.

The wind started blowing and the night sky became pitch dark. The once bright moon turned to a dark red while I heard a deep laughter.

I tried not to move thinking this was part of the ritual but more things started to happen to the point that I had enough. I just couldn't take it any more and deep down I had a bad feeling.

As I tried to make a run of it but before I could leave the circle something wrapped around my leg holding me place.

I struggled to break free and let go of the urn causing more panic but was surprised as I watched it float mid air. It then float to the center while the black smoke that was holding me down traveled upward.

I began to beg and plead for the woman to stop but she just grinned at me. My heart shattered and I let out a loud pitch scream as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

(Warning blood and gore)

I look down to see my now bloody stomach and multiple white hand with razor sharp claws tearing into skin. Not only that but the smoke continues to travel upward causing more of those hands to appear.

Those things didn't hesitate to tear and pull out my organs. The pain was so much that I couldn't do anything but scream in horror. The hands prevented me from using my hands and I just watched in horror as they moved my organ toward the floor.

While I slowly lose my strength and black out a couple of times due to blood loss.

My vision slowly began getting blurry as I watched the urn break and my little sister's ashes were dumped on the ground. Even in great pain I try to break free but the hands dig deeper in my gut and break a couple of bones.

My scream and pleading fall deaf to the woman who didn't stop the chanting as I watch my torn organ and the heart surrounding the ashes.

In the middle there was this reddish pink looking word among the ashes as it slowly grew into the size of a soccer ball.

My organ and blood got absorbed by the weird looking orb. It quickly got harder to breathe and I felt my body reaching its breaking point.

Slowly I had no more strength as the hand grip around my neck and one swift motion snapped my neck.

Before All the pain disappeared and I saw that inside that weird looking orb had a silhouette of a small baby. Tears ran down my face but I felt a harsh pain as well as a loud snapping sound.

I felt a bit happy and a lot of regrets sadly that didn't matter as the pain slowly disappeared while the darkness consumed me.

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