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         ~ Dedicated to Omah_Nwodo ~

The only difference between a thief at night and the thief during the day is shame. Okah Alaere

~|| Ole by Qing Madi||~

I'm just craving on somebody's babe, oh no.........ole, ole.

Heavy banging leaves fear in the gate man's heart, he peeps to see a police van outside and angry looking uniformed men with guns around. A particular man without uniform stands right in front of the gate banging it with all his energy.

“Who you be.” he asks after gathering enough courage.

“You can be arrested for stopping and obstructing an investigation and your oga wouldn't save you.” the gate man becomes hesitant.

“Common open this gate.” he says before pulling money out of his pocket, handing the gateman N5k through the gate hole. 

After taking the money while thinking things through, the gate man out of fear of the unknown opens the gate, call it stupidity or helpless but his act has in a way saved precious time.

“Mr, Mr I go inform my oga so you go wait small.”

“Common get out.” he says pushing the man, you never chop finish you want to obstruct who fit buy your destiny. He knocks the door when Mr Adebayo finally opens the door with a sleepy eye.
“Who the hell are you.” Mr Adebayo asks on seeing  Etene with a bunch of police men standing around.

Etene swiftly brings out his search warrant. Excuse me sir but  an immediate search is needed here as you have been analysed as one of the suspects of the recent Shola Balogu's murder case.

“But why exactly?, and off course I know my rights, I can't just let you into my home, people print out fake IDs and so on”

“It's been a week since Mr Shola Balogu's death and the deceased had a business deal he already celebrated but after his death, the next person to get it was suppose to be the business man and politician, pastor Duke  Somalia but he suddenly declined and now you have the deal.”

“You must be ridiculous I wasn't even at his party.”

“You could have sent anyone, just a simple search sir there's nothing to be afraid of if you're really innocent,
If I find evidence the police men watching will cuff you but if I don't you're free.”

“You must be crazy.”

Etene pushes him as he becomes hostile, barging into his home with the police men, they scatter round the house living no escape for Adebayo.

“I'm calling my father he shouts aggressively.”he repeatedly tries calling but his father's line keeps going to voicemail.

The old man is busy with someone's daughter while his own son is fighting for freedom, I smile walking into his room, sticking out pictures of Shola and the lawyer Ebere oseke with red dots to be perceived as target out from my pocket.

Somehow we got fabricated evidence of him, including a fake conversation with the lawyer Ebiere Oseke which could get us what we want, but I finally have an opportunity to show my value to my father's company. With that motive  I check his cupboard and drawers before finding some illegal files on business properties and  unpaid tax papers, after waiting for a while I scatter his house as expected to and finally moving downstairs I act exactly how Anita planned.

“Arrest him I say  walking downstairs with a serious face hiding my victory smile.”

“Wait what do you mean.” he asks confused

You have the right to remain silent the police officer tells him as he cuffs his hands.

Shut up he screams struggling with a police officer. “You have no right to treat me like a criminal until the court proves me guilty.”

“Mr man move if not we would have to take drastic measures if you compel us to.” The police officer says pushing him outside.

You can't treat me like a criminal he screams back  but what ever banta isn't my problem, I immediately make a call to Anita.


Anita: good job she says hanging up right after.

And just like that there's a bankrupt father and an arrested son. All I need is for Tosin to play his part and I'll be free.  Just then while Anita was trying to enjoy her moment she receives a message from another unknown number.

That chip should have been delivered a week ago.

I will pay for your casket my self if I don't get it in my hands in the next two weeks.

While you mourn Shola start thinking of giving me my package.

Fear grips her suddenly which makes her to look around, as she feeling watched.


I look at the sky's blue clouds seating on the window seat of the plane, going back to Lagos I thought of going back to Delta to meet my grandma or at least see my mom. I really need prayers from a genuine heart. Tosin turns to me on seeing worry written all over my face.

“feeling guilty for doing what you did to the pastor? , Or is it About Shola, Ani mama you know I'm here for you”

“Not that, if it's about Paul, the kid is okay.”

“Then what is it?

“Tosin I'm tired of playing Nigeria's victim and one day all the money I have wouldn't be with me when I die.”

Is this about Shola?

“Tosin it's more than Shola, everything I'm doing makes me just like the ones I aggressively speak against, I'm a hypocrite.” He looks into my eyes with absolute care and love.

“Everything you did was for Shola and everything that you didn't do was because you are loyal to Shola even after his death. Right now forget about it all, we are rich.

The court case is still going on and that sly man is still trying to pull of some tricks.”

“I know right his son lives like a king in prison while the ones free walk like chained criminals. Mtcheeeeeeew, the only difference between a thief at night and a thief in the day is shame. Have you done what you were meant to?”

“Yes na, projecting every other news on tv stations and social media while paying out Adebayo's arrest news to be pushed to the corner, the mass just has a way of getting involved and helping. With the case of the doctor that died recently in the elevator, that hasn't been accurately dealt with, and one other cultism case in Rivers state no one will notice brother Adebayo's case.” Apparently we were able to get all his father's bank details clearing his account, taking more than expected.

“Enough of this your sad mood Ani, I'm thinking of how many babes to carry.”

“And your girlfriend?”

“I'm just playing, of course I'm loyal, loyal to just you.” he says laughing. Sometimes jokes like this makes me think of Tosin more than I'm meant to or am I just craving on somebody's babe, I still haven't forgotten what Tosin said on my engagement night although he was drunk but the long lost teenage wish of Anita Benson became a slip of  tongue that was never really meant. I'm no longer a teenager so teenage dreams should be left behind too.

“What about Shola's father.” he asks still trying to find out what really worries me

“His still on my neck, I feel watched most of the time, I can't wait for this Adebayo person to be fully behind bars.” What I'm worried about is far from that, it's the fact I need to see what is hidden in that package, I need to know who is after me, I just want to be far from trouble.

I need to know which man in my life is behind this.


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