Chapter 26: Pain and Panic

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"Ha! Take that, bitches!!" Trixy screams, driving full speed down the sidewalk. She had originally got into the car to do something, but she forgot what it was the minute she hit the street. She'd seen demons out walking and decided to play a point game.

Women are ten points, animals are twenty, and men are fifty points. She has absolutely no fucking clue as to where she is, or even where she's going. She vaguely remembers a bunch of metal and crystals in the back, but it's overshadowed by the large barrel in the seat next to her. Yes, she stole one of Bee's barrels.

The tube is in her hand, and she chugs it as she flies down the streets, laughing as she hits demons or tosses the odd grenade here and there, which roll and hit her feet every now and then.

Her mates don't want her? Fine. She'll leave and go somewhere else. Somewhere far away where they can't find her. Where no one can find her.


"FUCK!" Loona cries, breathing heavy as she stops to take a break from running. She feels like she's been all over town chasing down Trixy's scent. Either that or the girl has literally been everywhere, and Loona can't figure out which way to go.

Only two people could tell her exactly where she is, but she doesn't want to call them. Trixy had drunkenly admitted to the fact that Blitzo had snapped on both her and Stolas, breaking up with them. Then she said that Stolas hadn't been answering her texts, so she's all alone. That had right before the first challenge when Trixy really started drinking. So, in a desperate panic, Loona calls the next best people who can help.

"Ugh, hello?"

"Moxxie!!" Loona shouts into her phone. "Fuck, Moxxie, this is bad."

"Loona? What time is it? What's going on? Are you okay? Where's Blitzo?" Moxxie throws questions left and right, waking Millie up from next to him.

"NO!! No, Blitzo! Promise me, you will not call, text, or even whisper a word to my dad!" Loona shouts as she walks. She's on her way to Stolas's house to get Octavia. It's sad that Trixy's mates are no help and that the kids basically have to hunt her down for them.

"Alright, no Blitzo. What's going on?" Moxxie asks. Him and Millie had raced around their apartment, getting dressed since Loona never panics about anything. Also, she called Blitzo her dad so shit must really be wrong.

"Fuck, Mox. It's Trixy. Long story short, Stolas and Blitzo broke up, so Trixy's in a shit ton of pain seeing as they won't talk to her. She came to the party I was at, drank a shit ton, and now she's fucking gone. She's drunk off her ass somewhere in Hell driving the goddamn van!" Loona cries in a panic, terrified for her mother.

"What?!" Moxxie cries, racing out of the house with Millie. "We'll help you search. You're getting Octavia, aren't you?"

"Yes. She's the only other person I could think of to help without alerting the boys. Fuck, this is bad. Keep your phones on in case." Loona says, hanging up as she makes it to the large property. "Okay, dad snuck in, so how hard can it be?"

Turns out very hard when you're a 9-foot-tall Hellhound. It isn't easy, but Loona eventually makes it up to Octavia's window. She knocks on the glass, making the young owl princess look up from her place on the bed. Loona hadn't been that quiet, so Octavia ended up hearing her.

"Loona? What the hell are you doing?" Octavia asks once she makes her way outside. "Trixy isn't here."

"Believe me, I know. She came to the party after everything between her and our dads. Got drunk off her ass, took off in the van, and is now drunkenly driving somewhere around Hell." Loona explains, and Octavia groans.

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