Chapter 2: The Divorce is Final

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Stolas wakes up groaning. Him, Trixy and Blitzo had spent the night partying like no tomorrow. A year had passed since Trixy had died that night, and in the last year, Blitzo has started to work on letting his mates in. He's started to show them that he loves them snice he isn't ready to say the words just yet, but he does love them. In fact, Blitzo and her had gotten married last night, and the three all agreed to add Stolas into the marriage the second his divorce went through.

Sitting up, Stolas looks around to find himself on the ground with only his cloak on. His clothes are scattered around what appears to be the floor of his room, though he doesn't really remember making it there. Last thing he remembers is drinking with Blitzo when Trixy came over to them dressed in her black wedding gown, which Blitzo is currently using as a blanket a few feet from him.

Groaning as he gets up off the floor, his bones aching from sleeping in an uncomfortable position, he picks Blitzo up. He carries Blitzo while he lays the dress on his love seat, then he places Blitzo in the bed, wrapping him up in the sheets. Stolas turns to look for Trixy, but he doesn't have to look long once he sees her standing out on the balcony. She's dressed in her black robe with her pale white hair an utter mess.

"Darling, what are you doing out here?" Stolas asks as he walks out to her after taking his cloak off and putting his silk red robe on. Trixy smiles softly as she hears his voice, sighing peacefully as his arms come around her, and she leans back into his chest. Like they had all predicted, she hadn't changed much when she died. Everything just got paler, and her eyes turned demon red.

The only thing she gained aside from her eyes was some wickedly awesome powers and a set of large black bat-like wings. They slip in and out of her back on command, and it had been a shock when they first appeared, making her nearly fell over into a river in the human world while on a job. Luckily, Blitzo managed to grab her waist with his tail in time while also shooting the bastard that went to kill her.

"Admiring the stars, of course. Look at how beautiful they are, my love." Trixy says, her voice lighter and more enchanting than it had been when she was human. Stolas looks up at the stars, admiring them with her. He has to admit that the sky is a very stunning galaxy purple with a red tint, but Trixy is more enchanting than the stars.

They stand there in blissful peace, admiring the beautiful sight, which is a rare occurrence in Hell. They also glace at one another, admiring the other's features as they quietly talk amongst themselves.

The sound of heels approaching them catches their attention. That's not the sound of Blitzo's boots, and Octavia went home with Loona to give the three their privacy, so Stolas looks over his shoulder as Trixy looks around him. The two frown at the sight of Stella standing a few feet from them, and Stolas moves so he's between the two women.

Over the last year, Stella has vowed to destroy Stolas and his mates because they've ruined everything for her by taking her crown and place in the palace. This made Trixy has vow to take Stella down, whether that's alive or dead is up to the bitch herself.

"What the fuck are you two doing out here?!" Stella snaps loudly, glaring harshly at the two. She'd heard them talking, and wanted to ruin their peaceful moment.

"Admiring the stars and each other." Stolas clips as he takes a few steps towards his current wife, wanting to be done with this conversation as soon as possible.

"Well, stop! It's bad enough you fuck them in our old bed, but now on the balcony for everyone to see?! I'm so sick of you flaunting around with them." Stella snaps, storming a few steps closer to Stolas. This makes Trixy move closer to him as well, her eyes glowing slightly.

"Why are you still here then?" Stolas asks, feeling the anger start to radiate off his mate. The last thing they need is for another fight to break out between the current queen and the future queen. Took them weeks to repair the damage the last time. "You leave with Via on weekends, even if she doesn't want to. You stay here during the week, yet you complain about being stuck here. Leave!"

"I like tormenting you!" Stella says smugly with a look of sadistic joy as she walks over to Stolas. Trixy growls a little, only calming down as Stolas reaches back towards her and takes her hand. "I want to keep reminding you of what you did."

"I know what I did!!" Stolas snaps at her, getting in her face. "I'd feel bad if I was hurting you and they weren't my mates, but we both know that's not the case. You aren't hurting by it, and neither am I. We never loved each other. WE were arranged for ONE reason, which was to birth an heir to the Goetia Family. NOTHING MORE."

"I tried so many years to make it comfortable for us, to make this family work, but since we aren't mates, it was never enough." Stolas continues as Trixy smirks behind him, pride radiating off her at how Stolas is finally sticking up for himself. "The only reason I endured your constant insults and cruelty was for Octavia to have a NORMAL LIFE! I cannot do this anymore!"

"Do what?" Stella asks in a hiss, anger radiating off her as she sneers at Stolas and Trixy.

"I want you out. Now." Stolas snaps, pointing at the door with his free hand.

"What do you mean out?" Stella asks, her eyes glowing with rage as she glances at Trixy, who is smirking smugly at her. Trixy loves the fact that no matter what Stella does or says, she will never be able to keep Stolas or Octavia under her wrath anymore.

"I mean out! Out of the palace. Out of my life with my mates, and out of my daughter's life, who is the only reason I continue to put up with you. I want you out! We are getting THE DIVORCE, and I will be free to marry my mates," Stolas snaps, leaving absolutely no room for argument.

"How fucking dare you." Stella snaps, poking Stolas in the chest and causing Trixy to growl in warning. "Do you have any idea what the Goetia family will think? With you leaving me for a bitch and an Imp? And Andrealphus!"

Stella raises her hand and brings it down in an attempt to backhand Stolas. However, a very cold, pale hand catches her wrist in a death grip. Stella gasps at the frost that starts to coat her wrist and looks at Trixy, whose eyes are now a dark glowing red.

"Do that again, I will not give a damn who or what you are. I will slaughter you and your brother." Trixy says with a deadly calm tone, scaring Stella. After dying, Trixy's psychopathic tendencies seemed to have been thrown into overdrive. They only people who can calm her is her mates, which is why when she's without them, everyone has them on speed dial.

"I don't give a damn what your arrogant brother thinks!" Stolas says, standing behind Trixy as he puts his hands on her hips. He pulls his mate back into his chest, calming her down as she lets Stella go. "The only thing the Goetia family wanted from our marriage is already 17, so they won't give a damn either! So, it is OVER!! I am DONE!"

"Fine." Stella snaps after a second, and she backs away from the couple with a look of disgust. "I have no desire to stay in a place with a traitorous embarrassment. You have fallen from what little grace you once had. And I know that you'll pay for it."

The two watches as Stella storms through the door just as Blitzo comes running out. He's got the sheet wrapped around him with his gun in his hand, and Trixy starts to laugh at the sight. Stolas shakes his head, chuckling at how protective Blitzo is of both of them.

"Well, my mood has been destroyed. What do you both say we change that?" Trixy asks, looking at her two mates, love and mock innocence in her eyes. The boy's glance at each other before smirking at her, and she squeals as they chase her back into the bedroom, promises of pain and pleasure dripping from them.

Little did they know that Stella had already created a plan to destroy everything they hold dear.

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