Chapter nine: A deal

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"How's it going down here?"

Rafe stepped away from JJ, who was still laying face down on the floor, whole body trembling and tears trickling silently down his cheeks.

"Still no luck." Rafe spat, glaring down at his victim.

JJ's back was completely covered in cuts and scratches, some bleeding a lot, some just a little, but all equally as painful, and some dangerously deep, Rafe having been extra evil with the knife.

"Wow Jay," Luke chuckled, but it was no where near kind. "Still nothing?"

Rafe suddenly pressed his shoe against JJ's back, putting almost all his body weight onto the injured teenager, who choked slightly, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I'll get it out of him." Rafe murmured, before removing his foot and using it to kick JJ hard in the stomach, and then the face, instantly causing his nose to bleed.

"I have no doubt you will." Luke said. "I think-"

He stopped dead though when he phone began ringing in his pocket.

Rafe stared at him, watching as Luke pulled out his phone and stared at the screen.

"Well how weird is that." Luke murmured almost to himself.


Luke laughed, turning the screen so Rafe could see. "JJ's calling me." He said.

JJ's eyes snapped open, and he quickly rolled onto his side, staring up at his Dad as his heart began to pound.

"Although, I'm guessing it's not actually JJ." Luke said with a smirk. "So who else would be able to access your phone aye?"

JJ swallowed hard, begging for his Dad to answer it, and he nearly breathed a sigh of utter relief when he did.


Waiting as the phone rang was torture for all five of the Pogues, but when they eventually heard a small click, John B's heart leapt.

"I must say, this is an unexpected phone call." Came Luke's voice, full of amusement.

John B swallowed hard, before taking a deep breath. "What have you done with JJ." He demanded, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

They heard Luke chuckle at this. "He's here with me, don't worry." He said.

"Where is he." John B growled.

"I don't think I'm gonna tell you that." Luke replied, voice breaking up slightly, but not enough to break up what he was saying. "You see, I want something from JJ, and I won't stop until I have it."

"JJ's not giving you anything." John B hissed. "You've done nothing to deserve his help and I'm honestly surprised he helped you the first time."

Luke chuckled again. "Oh I think he might give me what I want," He said. "At least, when Rafes through with him he might."

John B's heart plummeted. "What?" He choked.

"Alright John B?" Came Rafes voice from the phone. "Luke wanted a hand, I wanted revenge, so it's all worked out quite nicely, hasn't it?"

John B ignored the others as they looked at him, and in all honesty he felt so sick. "You hurt him and I swear-"

"Oh its too late for that." Rafe laughed.

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