Chapter 1: This is me

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Monday 13th June

Dear Grandad,

I wish you were here. Life is hard. And I'm not just saying that for the sake of things. You'd believe me if you were here. I just wish you didn't have to move to Ireland. I'm not even sure if I'll ever see you again. I wish you were here to help me build up my self-confidence. I really need it. Today was my first day of Year 7 at Mountain Range College. It's such an amazing place to be. I was quite scared I have to admit. Most people are scared of how hard the schoolwork or homework is, but I was mostly scared about how I was going to fit in. Mum insisted she walked me to the bus stop this morning, but I objected. I'm older, more responsible and independent now. Thanks but no thanks Mum. Anyway today wasn't too bad, as I was saying. On the bus I saw my friend Melissa from primary school. We sat together and just talked about our summer holidays for basically the whole bus trip. When we got to school I saw some friends I met on orientation day from the year before. We all got allocated lockers, given locks and tried to unlock them unsuccessfully and basically did a lot of housekeeping. When I got home, Mum asked me the usual, "How was school?" I replied with the usual "Good." Thankfully, our homeroom teacher told us we won't be getting any homework this week, just so we can focus on settling into the new atmosphere. I love the idea, mostly because I can watch Netflix and go on Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube for as long as I like without worrying about homework. I'm sure this won't last long.

Rosie xx

Saturday 18th June

Hi Grandad,

I miss you so much everyday. My first week at school was great. Turns out I didn't have to worry about fitting in. Today I'm going to a doctor's appointment. It's been a month since I started getting over pneumonia. It was tough, and I wasn't sure if I would make it to the first day of school. When I got there, the doctor seemed quite happy that the liquid in my lungs has almost been completely drained and that I can expect to have it completely cleared soon. I feel so happy that I can finally feel like I'm on the road to recovery. My parents are also really proud of me to be getting through this so well and staying so strong. So my Mum decided to take me out to town tomorrow. I'm so excited.

Rosie xx

Dear Grandad,

Today Mum took me into town. It was such a treat. But she insisted I stay dressed for the weather. It can get quite cold out, and since I'm not fully recovered from pneumonia I still have to wear lots of jackets, a beanie, gloves and a scarf. I did a lot of clothes shopping and for lunch we went to a bakery and had a delicious pie and sausage roll. Mum also bought us a vanilla slice each which was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. She also let me buy a Boost juice. That was also too yummy! I love mango magic flavour it's the best. Now I'm quite exhausted and ready to go to sleep even being not long after dinner. I haven't had such an enjoyable day in a long time.

Well, talk soon

Rosie xx

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