Chapter 2: The Signs

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Monday 20th June

Hi Grandad,

I don't feel very comfortable at home right now. Mum and Dad have been fighting a lot lately. Mum's always so stressed and Dad's always so frustrated. I can never feel comfortable to talk to either of my parents anymore. I hate it when the family is so tense like this. I'm constantly in my bedroom, listening to music with the volume right up on my headphones. I wouldn't care if I burst my eardrums, I can't stand hearing the shouting and yelling, Mum crying, Dad storming off to his man cave and it's just not worth it. I can't even do homework and have been struggling with it due to all of this.

I'm off to the doctors again today. I've got increased wheezing in my chest and it's really been bothering me. Mum noticed it at breakfast this morning and decided to get it checked.

Well hello, a lot can change in a few hours. I went to the doctors and was supposed to go to school afterwards and just come in late. Well no, I'm in hospital. What. Utter. Enjoyment. So basically, my lungs have like died. Basically they're being as useful as a pile of shit right now and there's nothing I can do but wait for all these antibiotics to kick in. They've drugged me up, I'm about to pass out and I can't breathe as well as I used to be able to. Not that I could breathe that well beforehand anyway, it's just gotten worse. As I said. What. Utter. Enjoyment. So, I guess I'm stu...

Hey. Hello. Sorry. I fell asleep. As I said they drugged me up and I couldn't concentrate any longer. As I was saying. So, I guess I'm stuck here in hospital where everything has that distinct hospital smell, the food sucks, there's constant crying coming from next to me as I'm in the children's ward and the food is crap. 

My only escape from it all is writing to you Grandad :)

I love you xoxo

Rosie xx

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