Chapter 5: Boyfriend Drama

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Hi Grandad
I had such an eventful day yesterday and I'm feeling quite exhausted right now. I think I'll sit around today.

Mum walked into my room with a nurse carrying my breakfast.  Breakfast today is bacon, sausages and fried egg with sauce, just how I like it.

Mum followed the nurse into the room and thanked her before she left. She sat next to me and put her hand on my thigh. This is exactly what she said to me.
"You didn't tell me about a boyfriend!"
"Mum, he was only my boyfriend since yesterday, and I was going to talk to you and ask you if you're ok with it."
"Darling, you see the thing is, I'm not quite sure that I am ok with it."
"What! Mum! Why?!"
"Darling you're really sick. How can you be committed to a relationship when you're in hospital all day every day? You've got other things you need to worry about!"
"Mum, he cares for me and he'll wait as long as he needs to be able to do everything that a real couple would. It keeps my mind off how sick I am and I think it would really benefit me!"
"I'm sorry Rosie, I'm just not so sure."
"How could you? How could you take away the happiest thing in my life right now?"
"But what about me Rosie? I'm always here for you."
"You're not who I want right now."

I was so angry at my Mum. I couldn't believe she wouldn't let me forget about how sick I am and let me get on with life. I just want to be a normal kid again.

I slipped out of bed and stormed out (as best as I could). Mum was shouting after me.
"Rosemary! Where do you think you're going?"
I ignored her and just kept going. I turned the corner just before Mum appeared. I stood at the corner and peered out. She was still calling after me. There was no way I was going back to that freak.

I pushed open a door that led outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air. I hadn't been out here in such a long time, it almost felt strange. I sat down on a bench, exhausted. And of course, as expected, before you knew it I was asleep again.

When I woke up, I was back in my bed. There was no sign of Mum, just a nurse busily hustling about me. She noticed I was awake and walked over to me.
"I don't suggest doing that again, you're Mother is beyond anxious."
"I'll do what I want." I replied sternly.
I bent over and picked up my phone, plugged in my earphones and put the earbuds in my ears, giving the nurse a message not to talk to me. She got the message and walked out. But there wasn't peace for long. I hear panting outside and next thing you know Mum's back.
"Rosie! Where did you go? I was so worried! You can't just do that!"
"Well Mum, when I want to be like a normal kid, I feel bloody strongly about it because it's NOT FAIR! NONE OF THIS IS FAIR! I'M STUCK IN THIS FRICKEN BED WITH ANNOYING MACHINES ALL DAY AND I JUST WANT TO BE FREE!"

Once I let that out, I burst into tears. Mum puts her hand on my shoulder.
"The nurses are doing their best..."
"I don't care. Don't touch me."
Mum looks taken aback.
"Well... I'll be in the cafe." she mumbled.

She slowly walks out of the room, probably hoping that I'd change my mind. But there was no way of that happening. I'm still mad at her.

I go back to my phone, and speaking of the devil, Andrew has texted.
Andrew: hey my love, have you asked your mum?
Me: sure have
Andrew: what did she say?
Me: she's fricken messed up
Andrew: why? what's wrong?
Me: she doesn't think a boyfriend is suitable at this time
Andrew: what? why?
Me: look, I'll just call you it's easier
Andrew: ok x

I call Andrew and explained everything that happened.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sad. I guess this won't work. Bye."
"No! Andrew! Wait!"
"What is it Rosie?"
"I think we still have a chance."
"Yeah, I'll just wait until Mum calms down, I'll make sure we can be a thing, you just wait and see." I said with a smile on my face. I could tell Andrew was smiling too, he seemed a lot happier.
"That's great. Good luck."
There was a noise in the background on Andrew's end. It sounded like a person shouting.
"Oh, that's my Mum. It's time for dinner. Sorry. Chat later."
"Oh ok. Chat later. I still love youuu."
"I love you too. Byeee."
"Bye Andrew."

And with that, Andrew hung up the phone.

Well, dinner's ready for me too. I'll talk to you later. I wish you could return my letters Grandad. It's as if you've disappeared off the face of the earth! You haven't returned one single letter. Is everything ok?

I love you Grandad

Rosie xoxo

Wow! I really enjoyed writing this chapter! Bit more drama there. This chapter is quite a long one! It's around 870 words! Longer than one of my recent essays at school haha. I hope you're ok with that.
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