chapter 2

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Y/n pov
~at your home~

I sat on the couch, eating my slice of cake I saved while watching my favorite show when the news suddenly popped up on the TV showing an interviewer standing in front of Auradon prep

"With family day just a day away, the royal family continues to build and unite both Seabrook and Auradon into one. As King Ben, Queen Mal and princess Malia prepare to have Royals, Villians and creatures at the huge celebration" the interviewer said as a clip showed up of Ben holding little Malia with Mal by his side waving from castle

"Since the worlds have been united many people have been wondering about the 4th royal in the family as Y/n decided to not join her sister in the royal spotlight. Leaving many not suprised knowing she wouldn't have last" the interviewer continued as a clip of me appeared showing how I almost tripped on a long dress Evie made for me when I was attending one royal event

"Yeah no kidding" I scoffed taking a bite of my cake "Y/n's privacy on her past have also risen some questions if she could be possible hiding more than what we know. After all being the most powerful werewolf and having powers like her father could make her an actual threa-" the interviewer said when the TV suddenly switched off and I turned to my right to see Wyatt with the remote in his hand

"Hey! I was watching that" I said "And I was saving you the trouble of watching garbage" Wyatt said and I sighed as he came to sit down next to me on the couch "what's going on pup? These past few months you seem to be a bit down" Wyatt said "It's nothing" I said looked away from him not wanting to talk about it however Wyatt turn my head towards him so that I wouldn't avoid his gaze

"Oh no you don't, we've been married for 4 years now Y/n. I know when something is on your mind" Wyatt said and I knew it was pointless to lie to him "I'm just not really looking forward for family that's all" I admitted "why? you were so excited when you came to tell me about it 2 months after meeting up with Mal, Uma and Ben" Wyatt asked confused

"Yeah I was...but now I don't know Wyatt. Thinking about seeing everyone with their parents looking so happy while knowing I never got to have that, it kinda makes me feel angry and...sad. And I know I probably sound really selfish right now-" I said but Wyatt cut me off "not at all" Wyatt said "Wyatt-" I said

"Just hear me out. When my parents died I blamed myself for years. Some days I even wished others went through what Willa and I through and seeing the families in the pack didn't make it easier after the war with Veronica's dad" Wyatt said and I looked at him curiously "what did you do about it?" I asked

"We eventually just accepted that they were gone. We still blamed ourselves but not everything that happened to us is in our control, I mean look at me now. I have beautiful home, with a adorable pup and the most amazing mate that I could ask for and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world" Wyatt said and I smiled

"Me too" I said as I leaned in for a small kiss and he kissed me back. When we broke our kiss, Wyatt sneakily took the last bit of my cake I still had left and I look at him shocked, giving a fake gasp "thief" I joked "guilty as charged" Wyatt joked back laughing a bit while I shook my head, placing the plate on the table

Just then Wyatt's new bracelet that Mal made him after the other me took the last one, started to glow blue and Wyatt and I both turned look at it "who's calling so late?" I asked as Wyatt looked up at me with a small grin on his face "I want to show you something" Wyatt said getting up from the couch, holding out his hand and I looked at him confused

"What about Whitney? You know we can't leave her" I said "She's sleeping and it'll only be for a few minutes" Wyatt reassured me and I reluctantly took his hand as he helped me off the couch and headed to the front door

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