chapter 6

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Y/n pov
~At the royal castle~

Addison, Willa, Wynter, Mal, the Elders, Hades, mine and Ben's parents and I were all in the the meeting room as Elder Wendy was wrapping my injured arm with a bandage while we were waiting and looking at Ben anxiously as he's standing the corner of the room talking on his cellphone "uh-huh... okay... thank you so much, we'll be in touch shortly" Ben said hanging up the phone before turning to look at us

"Fairygodmother says that everyone is safe and have gone home with most of the Villians returning back to the Isle for the mean time. All the magical artifacts including the moonstone are still in their originally places too" Ben said "and what about Whitney any luck on finding her?" Mom asked worriedly as Dad tried to comfort her with his arms around her and Willa shakes her head

"The pack and the others are searching all over the enchanted and forbidden forest but found nothing so far" Willa said and everyone looked heartbroken by the news. Wyatt on the other hand was more stressed as he ran his fingers through his hair "I knew I shouldn't have let her wonder off by herself" Wyatt said

"Wyatt this is isn't your fault-" Wynter said but Wyatt cut her off "yes it is Wynter! I let Winnie out of my sight when I was suppose to be watching her and now Whitney is gone to who knows where with some random person that took her" he expressed "well wherever she is we'll find her. They couldn't have gone that far" Mal said

"No you won't" I said under my breath not realizing that everyone had heard me and turned to look at my direction "what was that n/n?" Addison asked as that has been the first time I've spoken since Whitney have been taken "I said you won't find her" I repeated and everyone looked surprised at my comment

"Why on earth would you say that sweetheart? Of course we will" Hades said placing his hand on my shoulder but I shook it away "you all don't understand. Whitney was not just taken from some random person" I said "Wait, Alpha Y/n by any chance do you know who took her?" Elder Waverly asked but I just looked away from her as everyone kept staring at me waiting for answer.

However just then Will, Mr and Mrs lykensen entering the room capturing everyone's attention away from me as we looked at them anxiously "is she?" I asked but Mrs lykensen interrupted me "she's in a lot of pain but awake. Winnie just need to rest for a bit before anyone can go see her for a moment" Mrs lykensen reassured me and everyone looked bit relieved hearing somewhat good news from today except for me

"So found any new information on finding Whit-" Mr lykensen asked but cut himself off when I walked right past him in a hurry "Kid where are you going?" Will asked as he and the others followed me out of the room as I headed towards the doors of the castle "Getting some answers" I said walking out of the castle and towards the enchanted forest, ignoring Wyatt calling my name

~at the enchanted forest~

Walking through the trees in the middle of the forest was nothing but complete silence to the point where you could even hear a leaf fall from a tree. I had only been in this part of the forest once in my life and it was not different from the last time I was here as it still gave me that ghost town affected as I kept on walking

Soon enough as I pushed one of the tree branches out of my way I finally found what I was looking for. A small stone pillar covered with vines standing in the middle of the whole entire forest surrounding by the trees of it "found ya" I said walking up to the pillar, dusting off some of the dead vines off of it before summoning my ember in my hand

"Please work" I said before placing the ember on the pillar staring at it impatiently. When suddenly after a few minutes the ember started to glow its bright blue color as the light from it grew brighter and brighter causing me to gasp as I stepped back a bit, A spark then aimed behind the pillar opening up a bright blue fiery portal

Seeing the portal now in front of me, I took a quick deep breath while closing my eyes trying to calm myself down 'Alright Y/n, you can do this. for Whitney' I thought encouraging myself before entering the portal

Once I walked through it magical sparks of flames started to surround me and before I knew it I was standing in front of a burial prison holding the two of people I wish I never got to see again

"Well, well, well... what an splendid surprise. Sorry about the mess, we weren't exactly expecting to have any visitors" A male voice said "Cut the crap William. You know why I'm here" I said with a pitch of annoyance in my voice as the wolf got up from the ground and started walking towards the barrier

"Oh, do I? Cause last time I checked we've been stuck in this actual hell for 4 years now with no escape. So please enlighten me Great Alpha, what is the reason you present us with your presence?" William said smirking and I could feel my blood boiling just looked at this face "My daughter, she's been taken-" "and let me guess, you think I have something to do with it?" William said knowing where I was going this

"Given who she was taken from, I have my suspensions" I said in a matter of factly tone "Really, and what you makes you suspect this hypothesis of yours?" William asks "because you're the only one who knows about them and could possibly if not definitely be their so called 'connections' of where I might be. Might ring a bell to you" I said glaring at him as I moved closer to the barrier and William looked at my bandage arm before letting out a small chuckle

"so maybe or not I might know a few things about your little situation, that doesn't mean I have to tell you anything" He said "Where is she William?" I said now in a warning tone as I could feel my eyes turning green

"I'm not saying anything" William said and that had pushed me to my limits as blue flames then started coming out from my hair with my eyes still glowing and my hands turned blue as I then sent a blue energy blast towards him, knocking William to the ground

The other me who was watching everything silently the whole time gasped as she then ran to William to help him up as he groaned in pain while I started coughing as my moonstone started to glow green as well with my eyes still glowing but my flamed hair and hands started to clam down.

"Looks like someone's moonstone is running out of power" 'Y/n' said as she and William stared at me while the coughing started to die down "That's not what's happening... it's something-" "different? Yeah I know" the other me interrupted and I looked at her confused

"'Y/n' has been getting terrible headaches recently and she eyes started to glow randomly too. Our guess is that since she is created by wolf spark that means she is still connected to it making her-" "connected to me" I said finishing William's sentence and he nodded

"Judging by what just happen. It's safe to say our guess was right" 'Y/n' said crossing her arms. I then turned to make direct eye contact with William not letting one moment of weakness show through "where is my daughter?" I asked sternly one last time while glaring at him "I think you already know the answer to that question" he said

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