chapter 5

610 12 13

3rd person pov

The trees start rustling as the thundering clouds creates a strong wind blowing all the decorations and food everywhere and everthing in it's sight as everyone screamed and run in chaos. Dale held onto Missy in his arms while Bucky and the Aceys held onto each other as the wind just kept on blowing. As Addison and Zed approached them holding hands

"We need to get everyone out of here or someone's going hurt" Ben said "you think" Uma sarcastically said as green lightning struck one of the tables catching it on fire

"Mal, you, Ben, the gang along with the zombies and Addison help my parents and everyone else get back to Auradon prep until the it storm dies down. Willa, Wynter, Wyatt, I need you guys and the Aliens to alert all the wolves and elders to have the pack help me protect anyone through the chaos to make sure they stay safe. A-spen can mothership come and help transport everyone" Y/n said

"I'm afraid not. Judging by the abnormalitie of the lighting it would be unwise to risk her getting hit" A-spen explained and I tried to think of a different solution when Vincent suddenly spoke "We can try a new portal spell the vampires have been practicing on to transport everyone" Vincent said

"Is that safe?" Missy asked "it is technically a new spell so the chances of us being in Auradon prep are..." Valtor said when another thundering sound roared though the clouds and Bucky shrieked "I say do it and when I mean do it, I mean do it right now!" Bucky said holding on tight to the Aceys

"Great, Winnie you're with me" I said. Everyone nodded as before all splitting up but Mal stop her and Ben in their tracks realizing something looking around frantically "Where are the kids?" Mal said not spotting Malia nor Whitney and I began looking around too

"I- I can't see them" I said worriedly trying to spot them "They couldn't have gone far" Winnie said "Wyatt and I will look for them. You guys just stick to the plan okay" Ben said and Wyatt put his hand on my shoulder to which I hesitantly nod to as he and Ben went to look for the kids while Mal reluctantly went to do her part

"You don't think, it's who I think it is. Right?" Winnie said still looking at the clouds seeing the green light in the clouds too and Y/n sighed "lets just hope it's maybe other aliens looking to find a new home. Now come on" Y/n said as we ran to help everyone get out of the forest.

Meanwhile all the vampires gathered together forming a circle where the welcome banner use to stand "You all remember the spell?" Vincent asked and all the vampires confirmed as Vincent hands and eyes started glowed red, casting the spell as he started creating the a small portal. Then Valtor and Vanna did the same before all the Vampires copied them, joining forces as the portal got bigger and bigger

"This way!" Bree yelled gesturing everyone to the portal as they all ran to it "Hurry!" Evie said helping some of the Aks and Villians get through

While Wyatt and Ben are pushing through the crowd shouting, trying to find the girls in all the chaos "Whitney! Malia!" Wyatt yelled as a lighting bolt suddenly struck a few inches away from him "Malia! Whitney!" Ben yelled "Dad!" Someone yelled back "Malia?!" Ben said knowing the voice as he and Wyatt followed it's direction

"Dad!" Malia yelled again. Once Wyatt and Ben found her they were shocked to see she was surrounded by fire unable to get through "holding on Malia, We're going to get you out of there" Ben said trying to think of something when Wyatt got an idea "Malia is there any chance yoy can step back for me" Wyatt said and Melia did what she was told being careful not to burn herself

Wyatt's eyes then started to glow hazel and his hands turned white focusing on his magic as he then blasted the energy towards the fire extinguishing it in a instant "Dad!" Malia said running to her father the moment the fire was put out and Ben picked her up into hug while Wyatt's eyes went back to normal

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