Chapter 30

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Meera hurriedly came out of the room and first thing she did was inhaling properly. Because her words and breadth both got stucked upon seeing him.

Why so dam haauuttt!!! Meera, shutup !

"Oh god, what happened to me?" Saying, this, she was going but suddenly got pulled.

"Wher-" she was going to say,when she saw Agastya taking her in a secluded corner.

"What stunt you pulled just now?" She asked him and he stared at her first.

"What? Why you're staring?" She asked and he smiled.

Stopppp, giving me those smilesssss. My heart won't bear it!

"Stop talking. And let me stare you. "

"And why sir?"

"Because , you're looking breadthtaking, I guess!" He said,raising his one eyebrow and for a second her eyes lingered on his lips before she took them off from there.

" gue..guess?"

"Hmm, hmm!" He said, and looked at her, more intensely. On not taking it more, she tried to move.

"Let me go. You told you'll be coming today, and you came this late. "

"As if you were waiting!" He asked.

"Yes. I was. "

"And why?" This question came out rather unexpectedly and was not meant in that way. But this made her stop in her tracks, and he realised he shouldn't have said that.

"Meera i me-"

"Some actions are beyond any reasons and clarifications, Agastya!" She turned and looked into his eyes and said. As she took one more step, he caught her arm and lightly pulled her towards him.

" Stop assuming. Okay. I didn't mean it that way. It rather came out unexpectedly. "He said, keeping her that close while she looked at his eyes.

" Okay. Now leave me. "

" Something happened? Right?" He asked and she nodded negatively. Finding her not answering he left her and sighed.

"Sorry. "He said,and she looked at him.

"Sorry, i was going to come at morning but, then the condition of that patient became unstable. And I'd to stay there to monitor it. " He said and her eyes softened.

"I wasn't angry, on you coming late. I'm getting angry on the way I've started behaving these days. "

She whispred looking at the floor and lastly uplifted her eyes only to find him looking at her. She stared at him for few more seconds as if conveying all of her emotions and lastly went away from there.

Kavya and Dev were sitting on the mandap, in front of the holy fire and the pandit was chanting the holy mantras

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Kavya and Dev were sitting on the mandap, in front of the holy fire and the pandit was chanting the holy mantras. Everyone was sitting in form tof them, witnessing the marriage procession. While, many of them were standing nearby them. Sanchit, Dhruv, Kashish, Raagini and Vivian were sittinh nearby, the table while , smriti and Meera were together. Agastya whole concentration was on Meera or whatever she said. While, Meera was deliberately trying to avoid his gaze.

She herself was unaware why she was feeling this way. She was angry with her self. Why she is behaving like a typical girlfriend. When she doesn't want to enter into any realtion with anyone. She thought, and let her feelings overpower her for few times but now she realised that she couldn't do that. She know that, if she let this happen, she will again mixed with another mishap. Because no man has attracted this deeply just like the way Agastya do.
She decided that, she will maintain the distance. Not much, but a little also. But she will for sure.
In the meanwhile, she excused herself from there, and came to her room. Because she knew she need a little time to calm herself down, and also, the wedding was in the mid. It'll take a long time to end.

She came to her room, opened the lock and sat on the bed. Taking her he's din her hand, she closed her eyes while after around 10 minutes the door flung open and soon it got locked. She uplifted her head, on seeing who it was, and found Agastya there. He was really pissed.

"Why, you locked the door?" She said, and got up only to  get pushed by Agastya a little and she again sat down followed by Agastya.

"Care to tell, the distant behaviour, Vyas!", He demanded.

"Why, ? And let me be alone, please. "She said scowling and closed her eyes in frustration.

"What happened, Meera? Three days you were not like this? Earlier also, you've shared your problems with me, right? Is it about Samra-"

"Why the hell everyone thinks that he is only here to cause me problems? And why to need to know every damm thing?" Her frustration burst out. And she looked at Agastya, who was calmly looking at her. He came closer and, stroked her cheek with hai thumb.

"I know. I don't need to know anything. But if it'll be about, me then I've the right to know. And i know, it's about me. Because you're not this distant with anybody, and here you haven't met me, since long three freaking hours. Not meeting my gaze. Neither sitting around me. Not even looking at me. And talking, leave it!"

Agastya, calmly said her and she stared at him blankly. What she say him? She can't even say him, to confess if he even feels anything for her? It's so weird. The problem was, that she can't even tell the problem directly to him. He was good to hear, but she doesn't know whether it's genuine or he does feels something. If she ask him directly, it might impact their relationship in a bad way.

"I am not able to tell you now. All this is so messed up. So much. I am not able to ask you. How could I? How will I? And what sho..i mean..this might effect mine and yours relation.. . The thing is that ki everything is hell complex.
Leave this. " she ws saying when she fluently told something else too before she stopped herself saying anything further. She got up and tried to go from the room, when he caught up her wrist and stood up.

"Meera. "He called her softly.

"I'm,sorry.  Really-" She was saying, looking down, when he cupped her cheeks and made her look towards him.

Both were looking at each other. She couldn't guess what he was going to say next, how will he react.

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